Albert Schriefer
O papel dos macrófagos na patogênese da leishmaniose tegumentar.
Revista (Journal): In: XLVI Congresso da sociedade brasileira de medicina tropical, 2010, Foz do Iguaçu. XLVI Congresso da sociedade brasileira de medicina tropical, 2010. - 2010
Miltefosine in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil: a randomized and controlled trial. -
Autor(es): Machado PR, Ampuero J, Guimarães LH, Villasboas L, Rocha AT, Schriefer A, Sousa RS, Talhari A, Penna G, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Doenças emergentes.
Autor(es): SCHRIEFER, A
Revista (Journal): In: 62a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2010, Natal. 62a Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2010. - 2010
Manifestações atípicas de leishmaniose tegumentar em gestantes.
Revista (Journal): In: XLVI Congresso da sociedade brasileira de medicina tropical, 2010, Foz do Iguaçu. XLVI Congresso da sociedade brasileira de medicina tropical, 2010. - 2010
The role of Leishmania braziliensis polymorphism on disease outcome and distribution.
Autor(es): SCHRIEFER, A
Revista (Journal): In: 14th Tropical Medicine Research Center meeting and 5th International symposium in biomedicine, 2010, Fortaleza. 14th Tropical Medicine Research Center meeting and 5th International symposium in biomedicine, 2010. - 2010
O papel do polimorfismo da Leishmania braziliensis no desfecho clínico e distribuição geográfica das leishmanioses tegumentares por estes parasitos.
Revista (Journal): In: XXVIII Seminário Estudantil de Pesquisa, X Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, 2009, Salvador. XXVIII Seminário Estudantil de Pesquisa, X Seminário de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação, 2010. - 2010
American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in Bahia, Brazil.
Autor(es): Machado PRL, Rosa MEA, Schriefer A.
Revista (Journal): Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Dermatologie en Venereologie 2010; 10: 645-650. - 2010
The Leishmania braziliensis genetic polymorphism may influence complex outcomes like form of disease and its distribution.
Revista (Journal): In: DMID International research in infectious diseases meeting, 2010, Bethesda. DMID International research in infectious diseases meeting, 2010. –
Aldina Barral
An Infant with down Syndrome and Fever of Unknown Origin. - 
Pediatr Ann - 2010
Autor(es): Mello CD, Andrade BB, Lopes MA, Pedral-Sampaio DB, Sadigursky M, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Análise molecular da infecção natural de Lutzomyia longipalpis em área endêmica de leishmaniose visceral no Brasil - 
Cadernos de Saúde Pública - 2010
Autor(es): Soares, Maria Regiane Araujo ; Carvalho, Cristiane Costa ; Silva, Lucileine Amorim ; Lima, Mauro Sérgio Cruz Souza ; BARRAL,A ; Rebêlo, José Manuel Macário ; Pereira, Silma Regina Ferreira
Chemokines and chemokine receptors coordinate the inflammatory immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Hum Immunol. - 2010
Autor(es): Campanelli AP, Brodskyn CI, Boaventura V, Silva C, Roselino AM, Costa J, Saldanha AC, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Silva JS, Barral A.
DETC induces Leishmania parasite killing in human in vitro and murine in vivo models: a promising therapeutic alternative in Leishmaniasis - 
PLoS One. - 2010
Autor(es): Khouri R, Novais F, Santana G, de Oliveira CI, Vannier dos Santos MA, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J.
Discovery of markers of exposure specific to bites of Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi in Latin America. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Teixeira C, Gomes R, Collin N, Reynoso D, Jochim R, Oliveira F, Seitz A, Elnaiem DE, Caldas A, de Souza AP, Brodskyn CI, de Oliveira CI, Mendonca I, Costa CH, Volf P, Barral A, Kamhawi S, Valenzuela JG.
Effects of Acute Cold Stress on Phagocytosis of Apoptotic Cells: The Role of Corticosterone. - 
Neuroimmunomodulation - 2010
Autor(es): Sesti-Costa, Renata ; Sesti-Costa, Renata ; BARRAL,A ; Chedraoui-SILVA, Silvana ; MANTOVANI, Bernardo
Epidemiological study of the association between anti-Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva antibodies and development of delayed-type hypersensitivity to Leishmania antigen. - 
Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2010
Autor(es): Aquino DM, Caldas AJ, Miranda JC, Silva AA, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Heme impairs prostaglandin E2 and TGF-beta production by human mononuclear cells via Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase: insight into the pathogenesis of severe malaria. - 
J Immunol. - 2010
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Araújo-Santos T, Luz NF, Khouri R, Bozza MT, Camargo LM, Barral A, Borges VM, Barral-Netto M.
Human mucosal leishmaniasis: Neutrophils infiltrate areas of tissue damage that express high levels of Th17-related cytokines. - 
Eur J Immunol - 2010
Autor(es): Boaventura VS, Santos CS, Cardoso CR, de Andrade J, Dos Santos WL, Clarêncio J, Silva JS, Borges VM, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI, Barral A
Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia saliva modulates the inflammatory environment induced by Leishmania braziliensis. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): de Moura TR, Oliveira F, Rodrigues GC, Carneiro MW, Fukutani KF, Novais FO, Miranda JC, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn C, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
In vitro initial immune response against Leishmania amazonensis infection is characterized by an increased production of IL-10 and IL-13. - 
Braz J Infect Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Coêlho ZC, Teixeira MJ, Mota EF, Frutuoso MS, Silva JS, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Pompeu MM
Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body Formation and Prostaglandin E(2) Production in Murine Macrophages. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis - 2010
Autor(es): Araújo-Santos T, Prates DB, Andrade BB, Nascimento DO, Clarêncio J, Entringer PF, Carneiro AB, Silva-Neto MA, Miranda JC, Brodskyn CI, Barral A, Bozza PT, Borges VM
Molecular analysis of natural infection of Lutzomyia longipalpis in an endemic area for visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. - 
Cad Saude Publica. - 2010
Autor(es): Soares MR, Carvalho CC, Silva LA, Lima MS, Barral AM, Rebêlo JM, Pereira SR
Plasma superoxide dismutase-1 as a surrogate marker of vivax malaria severity. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Souza-Neto SM, Raffaele-Netto I, Camargo LM, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
Procalcitonin is useful in identifying bacteraemia among children with pneumonia. - 
Scand J Infect Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Guerin S, Saukkoriipi A, Paldanius M, Vainionpää R, Lebon P, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen O, Gendrel D.
Seasonal patterns of viral and bacterial infections among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia in a tropical region - 
Scand J Infect Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Oliveira JR, Sobral LS, Saukkoriipi A, Paldanius M, Vainionpää R, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen O.
Severe Plasmodium vivax malaria exhibits marked inflammatory imbalance. - 
Malar J - 2010
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Souza-Neto SM, Clarêncio J, Camargo LM, Barral A, Barral-Netto M
Towards a precise test for malaria diagnosis in the Brazilian Amazon: comparison among field microscopy, a rapid diagnostic test, nested PCR, and a computational expert system based on artificial neural networks - 
Malar J. - 2010
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Barros AM, Souza-Neto SM, Nogueira LL, Fukutani KF, Camargo EP, Camargo LM, Barral A, Duarte A, Barral-Netto M.
Using recombinant proteins from Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva to estimate human vector exposure in visceral Leishmaniasis endemic areas. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Souza AP, Andrade BB, Aquino D, Entringer P, Miranda JC, Alcantara R, Ruiz D, Soto M, Teixeira CR, Valenzuela JG, de Oliveira CI, Brodskyn CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Álvaro Cruz
Adherence to Treatment in Severe Asthma. Allergy & Clinical Immunology News - 
Allergy & Clinical Immunology News - 2010
Autor(es): SOUZA-MACHADO, A. ; SANTOS, P. M. ; Cruz, Alvaro A
Asthma cases in childhood attributed to atopy in tropical area in Brazil - 
Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia - 2010
Autor(es): CUNHA, S. S. ; BARRETO, M. L. ; FIACCONE, R. ; Cooper, P. J. ; ALCANTARA-NEVES, N. ; SIMOES, S. M. ; CRUZ, A. A. ; RODRIGUES, L. C.
BCG vaccination and reduced risk of asthma. - 
J Bras Pneumol. - 2010
Autor(es): Souza-Machado A, Cruz AA.
Clinical and immunological features of patients with atopy and concomitant HTLV-1 infection. -
Braz J Med Biol Res - 2010
Autor(es): Gaspar-Sobrinho FP, Souza-Machado A, Santos SB, Orge G, Lessa HA, Cruz AA, Carvalho EM
Development and implementation of guidelines in allergic rhinitis – an ARIA-GA2LEN paper - 
Allergy - 2010
Autor(es): Bousquet J, Schunemann HJ, Zuberbier T, Bachert C, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bousquet PJ, Brozek J, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Demoly P, Gerth van Wijk R, Ohta K, Bateman ED, Calderon M, Cruz AA, Dolen WK, Haughney J, Lockey RF, Lotvall J, O´Byrne P, Spranger O, Togias A, Bonini S, Boulet LP, Camargos P, Carlsen KH, Chavannes NH, Delgado L, Durham SR, Fokkens WJ, Fonseca J, Haahtela T, Kalayci O, Kowalski ML, Larenas-Linnemann D, Li J, Mohammad Y, Mullol J, Naclerio R, O´Hehir RE, Papadopoulos N, Passalacqua G, Rabe KF, Pawankar R, Ryan D, Samolinski B, Simons FE, Valovirta E, Yorgancioglu A, Yusuf OM, Agache I, Ait-Khaled N, Annesi-Maesano I, Beghe B, Ben Kheder A, Blaiss MS, Boakye DA, Bouchard J, Burney PG, Busse WW, Chan-Yeung M, Chen Y, Chuchalin AG, Costa DJ, Custovic A, Dahl R, Denburg J, Douagui H, Emuzyte R, Grouse L, Humbert M, Jackson C, Johnston SL, Kaliner MA, Keith PK, Kim YY, Klossek JM, Kuna P, Le LT, Lemiere C, Lipworth B, Mahboub B, Malo JL, Marshall GD, Mavale-Manuel S, Meltzer EO, Morais-Almeida M, Motala C, Naspitz C, Nekam K, Niggemann B, Nizankowska-Mogilnicka E, Okamoto Y, Orru MP, Ouedraogo S, Palkonen S, Popov TA, Price D, Rosado-Pinto J, Scadding GK, Sooronbaev TM, Stoloff SW, Toskala E, van Cauwenberge P, Vandenplas O, van Weel C, Viegi G, Virchow JC, Wang DY, Wickman M, Williams D, Yawn BP, Zar HJ, Zernotti M, Zhong N
Distribution of severity of asthma in childhood. - 
J Pediatr (Rio J). - 2010
Autor(es): Simões SM, Cunha SS, Barreto ML, Cruz AA.
Nasal eosinophilia: an indicator of eosinophilic inflammation in asthma. - 
Clinical and Experimental Allergy. - 2010
Autor(es): Amorim, M. M. ; Araruna, A. ; Caetano, L. B. ; Cruz, A. A. ; Santoro, L. L. ; Fernandes, A. L. G.
Polymorphisms in IL10 are associated with total Immunoglobulin E levels and Schistosoma mansoni infection intensity in a Brazilian population. - 
Genes Immun. - 2010
Autor(es): Grant AV, Araujo MI, Ponte EV, Oliveira RR, Cruz AA, Barnes KC, Beaty TH.
Polymorphisms in the sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin-8 (Siglec-8) gene are associated with susceptibility to asthma. - 
Eur J Hum Genet. - 2010
Autor(es): Gao PS, Shimizu K, Grant AV, Rafaels N, Zhou LF, Hudson SA, Konno S, Zimmermann N, Araujo MI, Ponte E, Cruz AA, Nishimura M, Su SN, Hizawa N, Beaty TH, Mathias RA, Rothenberg ME, Barnes KC, Bochner BS.
Portuguese language version of the Asthma Control Test - 
J Bras Pneumol. - 2010
Autor(es): Roxo JP, Ponte EV, Ramos DC, Pimentel L, D´Oliveira Júnior A, Cruz AA
Poverty, dirt, infections and non-atopic wheezing in children from a Brazilian urban center. - 
Respir Res. - 2010
Autor(es): Barreto ML, Cunha SS, Fiaccone R, Esquivel R, Amorim LD, Alvim S, Prado M, Cruz AA, Cooper PJ, Santos DN, Strina A, Alcantara-Neves N, Rodrigues LC
Predictors of hospital admission due to asthma in children and adolescents enrolled in an asthma control program. - 
J Bras Pneumol. - 2010
Autor(es): Brandão HV, Cruz CS, Guimarães A, Camargos PA, Cruz ÁA.
Prioritized research agenda for prevention and control of chronic respiratory diseases. - 
Eur Respir J. - 2010
Autor(es): Bousquet J, Kiley J, Bateman ED, Viegi G, Khaltaev N, Cruz AA.
Rapid reduction in hospitalisations after an intervention to manage severe asthma. - 
Eur Respir J. - 2010
Autor(es): Souza-Machado C, Souza-Machado A, Franco R, Ponte EV, Barreto ML, Rodrigues LC, Bousquet J, Cruz AA.
Reduction of asthma burden is possible through National Asthma Plans. - 
Allergy. - 2010
Autor(es): Kupczyk M, Haahtela T, Cruz AA, Kuna P.
The impact of a program for control of asthma in a low-income setting. - 
World Allergy Organ J - 2010
Autor(es): Cruz AA, Souza-Machado A, Franco R, Souza-Machado C, Ponte EV, Moura Santos P, Barreto ML.
The social determinants of asthma. - 
Eur Respir J. - 2010
Autor(es): Cruz AA, Bateman ED, Bousquet J.
Uniform definition of asthma severity, control, and exacerbations: Document presented for the World Health Organization Consultation on Severe Asthma. - 
J Allergy Clin Immunol - 2010
Autor(es): Bousquet J, Mantzouranis E, Cruz AA, Aït-Khaled N, Baena-Cagnani CE, Bleecker ER, Brightling CE, Burney P, Bush A, Busse WW, Casale TB, Chan-Yeung M, Chen R, Chowdhury B, Chung KF, Dahl R, Drazen JM, Fabbri LM, Holgate ST, Kauffmann F, Haahtela T, Khaltaev N, Kiley JP, Masjedi MR, Mohammad Y, O´Byrne P, Partridge MR, Rabe KF, Togias A, van Weel C, Wenzel S, Zhong N, Zuberbier T.
Argemiro D’Oliveira Jr
Assessment of heavy metals in the particulate matter of two Brazilian metropolitan areas by using Tillandsia usneoides as atmospheric biomonitor. - 
Autor(es): Vianna NA, Gonçalves D, Brandão F, de Barros RP, Amado Filho GM, Meire RO, Torres JP, Malm O, D´Oliveira Júnior A, Andrade LR
Revista (Journal): Environ Sci Pollut Res Int - 2010
Assessment of heavy metals in the particulate matter of two Brazilian metropolitan areas by using Tillandsia usneoides as atmospheric biomonitor. - 
Autor(es): Vianna NA, Gonçalves D, Brandão F, de Barros RP, Filho GM, Meire RO, Torres JP, Malm O, Júnior AD, Andrade LR
Revista (Journal): Environ Sci Pollut Res Int - 2010
Portuguese language version of the Asthma Control Test - 
Autor(es): Roxo JP, Ponte EV, Ramos DC, Pimentel L, D´Oliveira Júnior A, Cruz AA
Revista (Journal): J Bras Pneumol. - 2010
Camila Indiani de Oliveira
Using recombinant proteins from Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva to estimate human vector exposure in visceral Leishmaniasis endemic areas. - 
Autor(es): Souza AP, Andrade BB, Aquino D, Entringer P, Miranda JC, Alcantara R, Ruiz D, Soto M, Teixeira CR, Valenzuela JG, de Oliveira CI, Brodskyn CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Membrane-associated lipophosphoglycan from Leishmania braziliensis impairs dendritic cells activation.
Revista (Journal): Anais da XXXV Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia, 2010, Porto Alegre. XXXV Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia. - 2010
Autor(es): FALCÃO, S. ; WILKE, D. V. ; BARRAL, A. ; de OLIVEIRA, C. I
Revista (Journal): Anais da XXXV Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia, 2010, Porto Alegre. XXXV Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Imunologia. - 2010
DETC induces Leishmania parasite killing in human in vitro and murine in vivo models: a promising therapeutic alternative in Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Khouri R, Novais F, Santana G, de Oliveira CI, Vannier dos Santos MA, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J.
Revista (Journal): PLoS One. - 2010
Chemokines and chemokine receptors coordinate the inflammatory immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Campanelli AP, Brodskyn CI, Boaventura V, Silva C, Roselino AM, Costa J, Saldanha AC, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Silva JS, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): Hum Immunol. - 2010
Discovery of markers of exposure specific to bites of Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi in Latin America. - 
Autor(es): Teixeira C, Gomes R, Collin N, Reynoso D, Jochim R, Oliveira F, Seitz A, Elnaiem DE, Caldas A, de Souza AP, Brodskyn CI, de Oliveira CI, Mendonca I, Costa CH, Volf P, Barral A, Kamhawi S, Valenzuela JG.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia saliva modulates the inflammatory environment induced by Leishmania braziliensis. - 
Autor(es): de Moura TR, Oliveira F, Rodrigues GC, Carneiro MW, Fukutani KF, Novais FO, Miranda JC, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn C, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
The role of CD8+ T cells in cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis.
Revista (Journal): Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting, 2010, Woods Hole. WHIP Abstract Book. - 2010
Claudia Ida Brodskyn
Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva Triggers Lipid Body Formation and Prostaglandin E(2) Production in Murine Macrophages. - 
Autor(es): Araújo-Santos T, Prates DB, Andrade BB, Nascimento DO, Clarêncio J, Entringer PF, Carneiro AB, Silva-Neto MA, Miranda JC, Brodskyn CI, Barral A, Bozza PT, Borges VM
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis - 2010
Release of cytokines by stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells in chronic periodontitis - 
Autor(es): Gonçalves TO, Costa D, Brodskyn CI, Duarte PM, César Neto JB, Nogueira-Filho G
Revista (Journal): Arch Oral Biol. - 2010
Discovery of markers of exposure specific to bites of Lutzomyia longipalpis, the vector of Leishmania infantum chagasi in Latin America. - 
Autor(es): Teixeira C, Gomes R, Collin N, Reynoso D, Jochim R, Oliveira F, Seitz A, Elnaiem DE, Caldas A, de Souza AP, Brodskyn CI, de Oliveira CI, Mendonca I, Costa CH, Volf P, Barral A, Kamhawi S, Valenzuela JG.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Using recombinant proteins from Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva to estimate human vector exposure in visceral Leishmaniasis endemic areas. - 
Autor(es): Souza AP, Andrade BB, Aquino D, Entringer P, Miranda JC, Alcantara R, Ruiz D, Soto M, Teixeira CR, Valenzuela JG, de Oliveira CI, Brodskyn CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia saliva modulates the inflammatory environment induced by Leishmania braziliensis. - 
Autor(es): de Moura TR, Oliveira F, Rodrigues GC, Carneiro MW, Fukutani KF, Novais FO, Miranda JC, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn C, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Human mucosal leishmaniasis: Neutrophils infiltrate areas of tissue damage that express high levels of Th17-related cytokines. - 
Autor(es): Boaventura VS, Santos CS, Cardoso CR, de Andrade J, Dos Santos WL, Clarêncio J, Silva JS, Borges VM, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI, Barral A
Revista (Journal): Eur J Immunol - 2010
Chemokines and chemokine receptors coordinate the inflammatory immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Campanelli AP, Brodskyn CI, Boaventura V, Silva C, Roselino AM, Costa J, Saldanha AC, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Silva JS, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): Hum Immunol. - 2010
Cristiana M. Nascimento-Carvalho
harmacotherapy of childhood pneumonia. - 
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Revista (Journal): Expert Opin Pharmacother - 2010
Evolução de crianças hospitalizadas por celulite não complicada tratadas com beta-lactâmicos.
Autor(es): VASCONCELLOS, A. G. ; LEAL, R. D. ; SILVANY NETO, A. M. ; Nascimento-Carvalho, C. M
Revista (Journal): In: 16o. Congresso Brasileiro de Infectologia Pediátrica, 2010, Florianópolis. Anais do 16o. Congresso Brasileiro de Infectologia Pediátrica. Florianópolis : Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-1. - 2010
Severe pneumonia among Kenyan infants and children. - 
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Ruuskanen O
Revista (Journal): JAMA - 2010
Radiographic findings among children hospitalized with severe community-acquired pneumonia. - 
Autor(es): Ferrero F, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Camargos P, March MF, Berezin E, Ruvinsky R, Sant´anna C, Feris-Iglesias J, Maggi R, Benguigui Y
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Pulmonol. - 2010
Adding fever to WHO criteria for diagnosing pneumonia enhances the ability to identify pneumonia cases among wheezing children. - 
Autor(es): Cardoso MR, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Ferrero F, Alves FM, Cousens SN
Revista (Journal): Arch Dis Child - 2010
To give or not to give antibiotics to children with pneumonia. - 
Autor(es): Ferrero F, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Emerg Care - 2010
Metapneumovírus humano como agente etiológico único de pneumonia comunitária em crianças.
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho, C. M. ; CARDOSO, Maria Regina Alves ; RUUSKANEN, Olli ; Maija Lappalainene
Revista (Journal): In: 16o Congresso Brasileiro de Infectologia Pediátrica, 2010, Florianópolis. Anais do 16o. Congresso Brasileiro de Infectologia Pediátrica. Florianópolis : Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria, 2010. v. 1. p. 1-1. - 2010
An Infant with down Syndrome and Fever of Unknown Origin. - 
Autor(es): Mello CD, Andrade BB, Lopes MA, Pedral-Sampaio DB, Sadigursky M, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Ann - 2010
Seasonal patterns of viral and bacterial infections among children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia in a tropical region. - 
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Oliveira JR, Sobral LS, Saukkoriipi A, Paldanius M, Vainionpää R, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen O.
Revista (Journal): Scand J Infect Dis. - 2010
Clinical failure among children with nonsevere community-acquired pneumonia treated with amoxicillin. - 
Autor(es): Fontoura MS, Araújo-Neto CA, Andrade SC, Brim RV, Matutino AR, Silva CC, Santana MC, Nobre-Bastos M, Oliveira F, Barreto BB, Santos PM, Noblat L, Cardoso MR, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Revista (Journal): Expert Opin Pharmacother - 2010
Procalcitonin is useful in identifying bacteraemia among children with pneumonia. - 
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Guerin S, Saukkoriipi A, Paldanius M, Vainionpää R, Lebon P, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen O, Gendrel D.
Revista (Journal): Scand J Infect Dis. - 2010
Edgar M. Carvalho
Association of human T lymphotropic virus 1 amplification of periodontitis severity with altered cytokine expression in response to a standard periodontopathogen infection. - 
Clin Infect Dis - 2010
Autor(es): Garlet GP, Giozza SP, Silveira EM, Claudino M, Santos SB, Avila-Campos MJ, Martins W Jr, Cardoso CR, Trombone AP, Campanelli AP, Carvalho EM, Silva JS.
Clinical and immunological features of patients with atopy and concomitant HTLV-1 infection. -
Braz J Med Biol Res - 2010
Autor(es): Gaspar-Sobrinho FP, Souza-Machado A, Santos SB, Orge G, Lessa HA, Cruz AA, Carvalho EM
CXCR1 and SLC11A1 polymorphisms affect susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil: a case-control and family-based study. - 
BMC Med Genet. - 2010
Autor(es): Castellucci L, Jamieson SE, Miller EN, Menezes E, Oliveira J, Magalhães A, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, de Jesus AR, Carvalho EM, Blackwell JM.
Flower cells in patients with infective dermatitis associated with HTLV-1. - 
J Clin Virol. - 2010
Autor(es): de Oliveira Mde F, Vieira MG, Primo J, Siqueira IC, Carvalho EM, Farré L, Fatal PL, Bittencourt AL.
Immunomodulation of the Allergic Inflammatory Response: New Developments. - 
Inflamm Allergy Drug Targets - 2010
Autor(es): Araujo MI, Campos RA, Cardoso LS, Oliveira SC, Carvalho EM.
Insulin-like growth factor-I induced and constitutive arginase activity differs among isolates of Leishmania derived from patients with diverse clinical forms of Leishmania braziliensis infection. - 
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. - 2010
Autor(es): Vendrame CM, Souza LD, Carvalho MD, Salgado K, Carvalho EM, Goto H.
Miltefosine in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil: a randomized and controlled trial. - 
PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Machado PR, Ampuero J, Guimarães LH, Villasboas L, Rocha AT, Schriefer A, Sousa RS, Talhari A, Penna G, Carvalho EM.
Prevalence of Erectile Dysfunction in HTLV-1-Infected Patients and Its Association With Overactive Bladder - 
Urology. - 2010
Autor(es): Oliveira P, Castro NM, Muniz AL, Tanajura D, Brandão JC, Porto AF, Carvalho EM.
Resistance of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis to nitric oxide: correlation with antimony therapy and TNF-alpha production. - 
BMC Infect Dis. - 2010
Autor(es): Souza AS, Giudice A, Pereira JM, Guimarães LH, de Jesus AR, de Moura TR, Wilson ME, Carvalho EM, Almeida RP
Schistosoma mansoni antigens modulate the allergic response in a murine model of ovalbumin-induced airway inflammation. - 
Clin Exp Immunol. - 2010
Autor(es): Cardoso LS, Oliveira SC, Góes AM, Oliveira RR, Pacífico LG, Marinho FV, Fonseca CT, Cardoso FC, Carvalho EM, Araujo MI.
Serum cytokine levels in patients with chronic low back pain due to herniated disc: analytical cross-sectional study. - 
Sao Paulo Med J. - 2010
Autor(es): Kraychete DC, Sakata RK, Issy AM, Bacellar O, Santos-Jesus R, Carvalho EM.
The -2518bp promoter polymorphism at CCL2/MCP1 influences susceptibility to mucosal but not localized cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. - 
Infect Genet Evol - 2010
Autor(es): Ramasawmy R, Menezes E, Magalhães A, Oliveira J, Castellucci L, Almeida R, Rosa ME, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, Noronha E, Wilson ME, Jamieson SE, Kalil J, Blackwell JM, Carvalho EM, de Jesus AR.
Jamary Oliveira-Filho
Do children with Glasgow 13/14 could be identified as mild traumatic brain injury? - 
Autor(es): Melo JR, Lemos-Júnior LP, Reis RC, Araújo AO, Menezes CW, Santos GP, Barreto BB, Menezes T, Oliveira-Filho J.
Revista (Journal): Arq Neuropsiquiatr. - 2010
Acute hyperglycemia is a reliable outcome predictor in children with severe traumatic brain injury. - 
Autor(es): Melo JR, Di Rocco F, Blanot S, Laurent-Vannier A, Reis RC, Baugnon T, Sainte-Rose C, Oliveira-Filho J, Zerah M, Meyer P.
Revista (Journal): Acta Neurochir (Wien). - 2010
Mortality in children with severe head trauma: predictive factors and proposal for a new predictive scale. - 
Autor(es): Tude Melo JR, Di Rocco F, Blanot S, Oliveira-Filho J, Roujeau T, Sainte-Rose C, Duracher C, Vecchione A, Meyer P, Zerah M.
Revista (Journal): Neurosurgery. - 2010
Léa Castellucci
Evidence for associations between the purinergic receptor P2X(7) (P2RX7) and toxoplasmosis. - 
Autor(es): Jamieson SE, Peixoto-Rangel AL, Hargrave AC, Roubaix LA, Mui EJ, Boulter NR, Miller EN, Fuller SJ, Wiley JS, Castellucci L, Boyer K, Peixe RG, Kirisits MJ, Elias Lde S, Coyne JJ, Correa-Oliveira R, Sautter M, Smith NC, Lees MP, Swisher CN, Heydemann P, Noble AG, Patel D, Bardo D, Burrowes D, McLone D, Roizen N, Withers S, Bahia-Oliveira LM, McLeod R, Blackwell JM.
Revista (Journal): Genes Immun. - 2010
CXCR1 and SLC11A1 polymorphisms affect susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil: a case-control and family-based study. - 
Autor(es): Castellucci L, Jamieson SE, Miller EN, Menezes E, Oliveira J, Magalhães A, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, de Jesus AR, Carvalho EM, Blackwell JM.
Revista (Journal): BMC Med Genet. - 2010
The -2518bp promoter polymorphism at CCL2/MCP1 influences susceptibility to mucosal but not localized cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Ramasawmy R, Menezes E, Magalhães A, Oliveira J, Castellucci L, Almeida R, Rosa ME, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, Noronha E, Wilson ME, Jamieson SE, Kalil J, Blackwell JM, Carvalho EM, de Jesus AR.
Revista (Journal): Infect Genet Evol. - 2010
Lucas Pedreira de Carvalho
Early events in Leishmania infection. Current Trends in Immunology.
Autor(es): CARVALHO, L. P. ; Passos ST ; BACELLAR, O. ; CARVALHO, E. M.
Revista (Journal): Current Trends in Immunology. - 2010
Manoel Barral-Netto
Prognostic value of cytokines and chemokines in addition to the GRACE Score in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndromes. - 
Autor(es): Correia LC, Andrade BB, Borges VM, Clarêncio J, Bittencourt AP, Freitas R, Souza AC, Almeida MC, Leal J, Esteves JP, Barral-Netto M.
Revista (Journal): Clin Chim Acta. - 2010
Heme impairs prostaglandin E2 and TGF-beta production by human mononuclear cells via Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase: insight into the pathogenesis of severe malaria. - 
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Araújo-Santos T, Luz NF, Khouri R, Bozza MT, Camargo LM, Barral A, Borges VM, Barral-Netto M.
Revista (Journal): J Immunol. - 2010
Immunity to Lutzomyia intermedia saliva modulates the inflammatory environment induced by Leishmania braziliensis. - 
Autor(es): de Moura TR, Oliveira F, Rodrigues GC, Carneiro MW, Fukutani KF, Novais FO, Miranda JC, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn C, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Using recombinant proteins from Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva to estimate human vector exposure in visceral Leishmaniasis endemic areas. - 
Autor(es): Souza AP, Andrade BB, Aquino D, Entringer P, Miranda JC, Alcantara R, Ruiz D, Soto M, Teixeira CR, Valenzuela JG, de Oliveira CI, Brodskyn CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Plasma superoxide dismutase-1 as a surrogate marker of vivax malaria severity. - 
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Souza-Neto SM, Raffaele-Netto I, Camargo LM, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis. - 2010
Arginase levels and their association with Th17-related cytokines, soluble adhesion molecules (sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1) and hemolysis markers among steady-state sickle cell anemia patients. - 
Autor(es): Vilas-Boas W, Cerqueira BA, Zanette AM, Reis MG, Barral-Netto M, Goncalves MS.
Revista (Journal): Ann Hematol. - 2010
Arginase levels and their association with Th17-related cytokines, soluble adhesion molecules (sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1) and hemolysis markers among steady-state sickle cell anemia patients. - 
Autor(es): Vilas-Boas W, Cerqueira BA, Zanette AM, Reis MG, Barral-Netto M, Goncalves MS.
Revista (Journal): Ann Hematol - 2010
BALB/c mice vaccinated with Leishmania major ribosomal proteins extracts combined with CpG oligodeoxynucleotides become resistant to disease caused by a secondary parasite challenge. - 
Autor(es): Ramírez L, Iborra S, Cortés J, Bonay P, Alonso C, Barral-Netto M, Soto M.
Revista (Journal): J Biomed Biotechnol. - 2010
Severe Plasmodium vivax malaria exhibits marked inflammatory imbalance. - 
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Souza-Neto SM, Clarêncio J, Camargo LM, Barral A, Barral-Netto M
Revista (Journal): Malar J. - 2010
Human mucosal leishmaniasis: Neutrophils infiltrate areas of tissue damage that express high levels of Th17-related cytokines. - 
Autor(es): Boaventura VS, Santos CS, Cardoso CR, de Andrade J, Dos Santos WL, Clarêncio J, Silva JS, Borges VM, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI, Barral A
Revista (Journal): Eur J Immunol - 2010
DETC induces Leishmania parasite killing in human in vitro and murine in vivo models: a promising therapeutic alternative in Leishmaniasis - 
Autor(es): Khouri R, Novais F, Santana G, de Oliveira CI, Vannier dos Santos MA, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J.
Revista (Journal): PLoS One - 2010
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv1419 encodes a secreted 13 kDa lectin with immunological reactivity during human tuberculosis. - 
Autor(es): Nogueira L, Cardoso FC, Mattos AM, Bordignon J, Figueiredo CP, Dahlstrom P, Frota CC, Duarte Dos Santos CN, Chalhoub M, Cavada BS, Teixeira HC, Oliveira SC, Barral-Netto M, Báfica A.
Revista (Journal): Eur J Immunol. - 2010
Chemokines and chemokine receptors coordinate the inflammatory immune response in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Campanelli AP, Brodskyn CI, Boaventura V, Silva C, Roselino AM, Costa J, Saldanha AC, Rodrigues de Freitas LA, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Silva JS, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): Hum Immunol - 2010
Epidemiological study of the association between anti-Lutzomyia longipalpis saliva antibodies and development of delayed-type hypersensitivity to Leishmania antigen. - 
Autor(es): Aquino DM, Caldas AJ, Miranda JC, Silva AA, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2010
In vitro initial immune response against Leishmania amazonensis infection is characterized by an increased production of IL-10 and IL-13. - 
Autor(es): Coêlho ZC, Teixeira MJ, Mota EF, Frutuoso MS, Silva JS, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Pompeu MM
Revista (Journal): Braz J Infect Dis. - 2010
Towards a precise test for malaria diagnosis in the Brazilian Amazon: comparison among field microscopy, a rapid diagnostic test, nested PCR, and a computational expert system based on artificial neural networks - 
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Reis-Filho A, Barros AM, Souza-Neto SM, Nogueira LL, Fukutani KF, Camargo EP, Camargo LM, Barral A, Duarte A, Barral-Netto M.
Revista (Journal): Malar J. - 2010
Marcus Miranda Lessa
CXCR1 and SLC11A1 polymorphisms affect susceptibility to cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil: a case-control and family-based study - 
Autor(es): Castellucci L, Jamieson SE, Miller EN, Menezes E, Oliveira J, Magalhães A, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, de Jesus AR, Carvalho EM, Blackwell JM.
Revista (Journal): BMC Med Genet - 2010
The -2518bp promoter polymorphism at CCL2/MCP1 influences susceptibility to mucosal but not localized cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Ramasawmy R, Menezes E, Magalhães A, Oliveira J, Castellucci L, Almeida R, Rosa ME, Guimarães LH, Lessa M, Noronha E, Wilson ME, Jamieson SE, Kalil J, Blackwell JM, Carvalho EM, de Jesus AR
Revista (Journal): Infect Genet Evol - 2010
Olívia Bacellar
Serum cytokine levels in patients with chronic low back pain due to herniated disc: analytical cross-sectional study. - 
Autor(es): Kraychete DC, Sakata RK, Issy AM, Bacellar O, Santos-Jesus R, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Sao Paulo Med J. - 2010
Paulo N. Rocha
Avaliação Hemodinâmica no Paciente Criticamente Enfermo. - 
Autor(es): ROCHA, Paulo Novis ; de Menezes, JA ; Suassuna, JH.
Revista (Journal): Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia, v. 32, p. 201-212 - 2010
Challenges in clinical-pathologic correlations: acute tubular necrosis in a patient with collapsing focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis mimicking rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. - 
Autor(es): Rodamilans MF, Barros LL, Carneiro MM, dos Santos WL, Rocha PN
Revista (Journal): Ren Fail. - 2010
Paulo R. Machado
American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis in Bahia, Brazil.
Autor(es): Machado PRL, Rosa MEA, Schriefer A.
Revista (Journal): Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Dermatologie en Venereologie 2010; 10: 645-650. - 2010
Miltefosine in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis in Brazil: a randomized and controlled trial. - 
Autor(es): Machado PR, Ampuero J, Guimarães LH, Villasboas L, Rocha AT, Schriefer A, Sousa RS, Talhari A, Penna G, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis - 2010
Raymundo Paraná
A neuropsychological study comparing patients infected with HCV and HBV without psychiatric comorbidities. - 
Autor(es): Quarantini LC, Miranda-Scippa A, Batista-Neves S, Powell VB, Abreu N, Abreu KC, Moura I, Crane J, Sampaio AS, Netto LR, Deoliveira IR, Paraná R, Bressan RA, Lacerda AL.
Revista (Journal): J Med Virol. - 2010
Is the interferon-alpha-triggered depressive episode a self-limited kind of depression? Four cases of persistent affective symptoms after antiviral treatment in HCV-infected individuals. - 
Autor(es): Almeida AG, Quarantini LC, Batista-Neves S, Lyra AC, Paraná R, de Oliveira IR, Miranda-Scippa A, Guindalini C.
Revista (Journal): World J Biol Psychiatry. - 2010
Autoimmunity in hepatitis C virus carriers: Involvement of ferritin and prolactin. - 
Autor(es): Sousa GM, Oliveira RC, Pereira MM, Paraná R, Sousa-Atta ML, Atta AM.
Revista (Journal): Autoimmun - 2010
Serum cytokine profile in hepatitis C virus carriers presenting cryoglobulinaemia and non-organ-specific autoantibodies. - 
Autor(es): Atta AM, Oliveira IS, Sousa GM, Paraná R, Atta ML
Revista (Journal): Microbial Pathogenesis - 2010
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