Ocorrerá no PPgCS o Seminário de Pesquisa com Prof. Olli Ruuskanen, Professor Emérito da Universidade de Turku, Turku, Finlândia, em 29/11/2016 às 14:30h. Prof. Olli Ruuskanen é uma das maiores autoridades em vírus respiratórios no mundo.

Seminário de Pesquisa com Prof. Olli Ruuskanen, Professor Emérito da Universidade de Turku, Turku, Finlândia


Orientador: Cristiana M. Nascimento-Carvalho

Data: 29 de novembro de 2016

Local: Sala de aula do PPgCS

  1. 14:30h – 15:00h

    Acute serologically diagnosed human bocavirus infection in non-severe childhood community-acquired pneumonia: a prospective cohort study – Amanda C. Nascimento-Carvalho, MD student


    2) 15:00h – 15:30h


    The role of young neutrophils in the detection of bacteremia in children – Alexandre M. Pimentel, MD student


    3) 15:30h – 16:00h


    Clinical evolution stratified by etiology among children hospitalized with community acquired pneumonia – Taiane S. Fonseca, MD, MSc


    16:00-16:30h coffee-break


    4) 16:30h-17:00h


    Comparison of serological assays using pneumococcal proteins or polysaccharides for the detection of antibody responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae antigens in children with pneumonia – Igor C. Borges – MD, PhD Student


    5) 17:00h-17:30h


    Bacterial and viral etiological agents frequency in children with community-acquired pneumonia and pleural effusion - Ana Luisa Vilas-Boas, MD, PhD, Pos-doc fellow

       6) 17:30h

       Closing remarks

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