Bruno de Bezerril Andrade
Médico pesquisador com foco em imunologia humana. Estuda biomarcadores diagnósticos e prognósticos associados a patogênese de doenças infecciosas de grande relevância para saúde pública. Formado da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), com doutorado em Patologia Humana pela Fundação Oswaldo Cruz e pós-doutorado no National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health. Atualmente, é pesquisador do Instituto Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, em Salvador, Bahia, além de professor de cursos de Medicina na UniFTC, UNIFACS e da pós-graduação da Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública (EBMSP). Coordena um grupo multinacional de medicina translacional que mescla dados experimentais e clínicos para descrever vias inflamatórias envolvidas na imunopatogênese de doenças como tuberculose, HIV, hepatites virais, arboviroses, malária, leishmaniose e pneumonia bacteriana. Lidera uma rede colaborativa de laboratórios na África do Sul (University of Cape Town), Índia (National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis), China (Henan Chest Hospital) e Estados Unidos (Vanderbilt University Medical Center e Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), de onde desenvolve estudos para validação dos resultados em locais com perfis epidemiológicos distintos. Desde 2019, é coordenador do Departamento de Estatística e Biologia de Sistemas do consórcio Regional Prospective Observational Research for Tuberculosis (RePORT) International e o investigador principal deste consórcio no Brasil (RePORT Brasil). É membro da Academia Nacional de Medicina (categoria Jovem Liderança), da Interacademy Medical Panel (Alemanha), da Royal Society of Medicine (Inglaterra), além de ser membro permanente da Collaboration for TB Vaccine Discovery (CTVD, Gates Foundation). Foi Editor Associado do periódico BMC Infectious Diseases e é revisor regular de revistas como New England Journal of Medicine, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Medicine e Lancet. Também é revisor e consultor da Wellcome Trust (Inglaterra), do Francis Crick Institute (Inglaterra) e da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Tem larga experiência em projetos com financiamento internacional via National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust, Gates Foundation, Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS)
- A Multi-center, Prospective Cohort Study of Whole Blood Gene Expression in the Tuberculosis-Diabetes Interaction.
- A prospective comparison between multidisciplinary healthcare providers? clinical examination and a validated pain scale.
- Adverse Drug Reactions Related to Treatment of Drug-Susceptible Tuberculosis in Brazil: a Prospective Cohort Study.
- Anemia and anti-tuberculosis treatment outcome in persons with pulmonary tuberculosis: a multi-center prospective cohort study.
- Another tick bites the dust: exploring the association of microbial composition with a broad transmission competence of tick vector species
- Assessment of the Risk of Burnout and its Associated Factors in Healthcare Professionals during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Prospective Cohort Study.
- Assessment of the Risk of Burnout and its Associated Factors in Healthcare Professionals during the Covid-19 Pandemic: a Prospective Cohort Study.
- Atorvastatin to reduce bacillary load and attenuate lung damage in TB patients.
- BACH1 is a central regulator of glutathione metabolism, cellular necrosis and host resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
- Calibration and validation of the Pneumonia Shock Score in critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection, a multicenter prospective cohort study.
- CD4 T cells are rapidly depleted from tuberculosis granulomas following acute SIV co-infection.
- Effect of Dysglycemia on Urinary Lipid Mediator Profiles in Persons with Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
- Effect of the relationship between anaemia and systemic inflammation on the risk of incident tuberculosis and death in people with advanced HIV: a sub-analysis of the REMEMBER trial.
- Formação e envolvimento docente no ensino superior em saúde brasileiro: fragilidades e fortalezas.
- Formação e envolvimento docente no ensino superior em saúde brasileiro: fragilidades e fortalezas.
- Frequency of CXCR3+ CD8+ T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Peripheral Blood Is Associated With the Risk of Paradoxical Tuberculosis-Associated Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome Development in Advanced HIV Disease.
- Grand Challenges in Major Tropical Diseases: Part II.
- High seroprevalence of Leishmania infantum is linked to immune activation in people with HIV: a two-stage cross-sectional study in Bahia, Brazil.
- Immune response to LinB13, a salivary protein correlates with disease severity in tegumentary leishmaniasis.
- Immunologic Biomarkers in Peripheral Blood of Persons with Tuberculosis and Advanced HIV.
- Impact of Adverse Drug Reactions on the outcomes of Tuberculosis Treatment.
- Impact of Adverse Drug Reactions on the outcomes of Tuberculosis Treatment.
- Influence of Dietary Pattern on Anti-tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes in Persons with Dysglycemia: A Peruvian Prospective Cohort Study.
- Interplay between systemic inflammation, anemia, and mycobacterial dissemination and its impact on mortality in TB-associated HIV: a prospective cohort study.
- Leishmania infantum Defective in Lipophosphoglycan Biosynthesis Interferes With Activation of Human Neutrophils.
- Mentorias científicas na graduação em Medicina: repercussões na satisfação, engajamento e produção discente.
- Mentorias científicas na graduação em Medicina: repercussões na satisfação, engajamento e produção discente.
- Persistent dysglycemia is associated with unfavorable treatment outcomes in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis from Peru
- Platelet-monocyte interaction amplifies thromboinflammation through tissue factor signaling in COVID-19.
- Possible Sex Difference in Latent Tuberculosis Infection Risk Among Close Tuberculosis Contacts.
- Prevalence and Clinical Profiling of Dysglycemia and HIV infection in Persons with Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Brazil.
- Relationship between anemia and systemic inflammation in people living with HIV and tuberculosis: a sub-analysis of the CADIRIS clinical trial.
- The impact of body mass index on the prognostic performance of the Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3: A prospective cohort study.
- The sound of silent RNA in Tuberculosis and the lncRNA role on infection.
- Transcriptional analysis for tuberculosis in pregnant women from 1 the PRACHITi study.
- Tuberculosis Treatment Outcomes in Brazil: Different Predictors for each type of Unsuccessful Outcome.