Albert Schriefer
Identification and characterization of a class III chitin synthase gene of Moniliophthora perniciosa, the fungus that causes witches' broom disease of cacao. -
Autor(es): Souza CS, Oliveira BM, Costa GG, Schriefer A, Selbach-Schnadelbach A, Uetanabaro AP, Pirovani CP, Pereira GA, Taranto AG, Cascardo JC, Góes-Neto A.
Revista (Journal): J Microbiol. - 2009
Association of treatment of American cutaneous leishmaniasis prior to ulcer development with high rate of failure in northeastern Brazil. -
Autor(es): Unger A, O'Neal S, Machado PR, Guimarães LH, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Glesby MJ, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Infective dermatitis has similar immunological features to human T lymphotropic virus-type 1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. -
Autor(es): Nascimento MC, Primo J, Bittencourt A, Siqueira I, de Fátima Oliveira M, Meyer R, Schriefer A, Santos SB, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Clin Exp Immunol. - 2009
Atypical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a transmission area of Leishmania braziliensis in the state of Bahia, Brazil. -
Autor(es): Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lago EL, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Geographic clustering of leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil. -
Autor(es): Schriefer A, Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lessa M, Lessa HA, Lago E, Ritt G, Góes-Neto A, Schriefer AL, Riley LW, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Emerg Infect Dis. - 2009
Aldina Barral
Anti-Anopheles darlingi saliva antibodies as marker of Plasmodium vivax infection and clinical immunity in the Brazilian Amazon. - 
Malar J. - 2009
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Rocha BC, Reis-Filho A, Camargo LM, Tadei WP, Moreira LA, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
Challenges and perspectives in vaccination against leishmaniasis. - 
Parasitol Int - 2009
Autor(es): de Oliveira CI, Nascimento IP, Barral A, Soto M, Barral-Netto M
Cooperation between apoptotic and viable metacyclics enhances the pathogenesis of Leishmaniasis. - 
PLoS One. - 2009
Autor(es): Wanderley JL, Pinto da Silva LH, Deolindo P, Soong L, Borges VM, Prates DB, de Souza AP, Barral A, Balanco JM, do Nascimento MT, Saraiva EM, Barcinski MA.
Could the lower frequency of CD8+CD18+CD45RO+ lymphocytes be biomarkers of human VL? - 
Int Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Clarêncio J, de Oliveira CI, Favali C, Medina O, Caldas A, Costa CH, Costa DL, Brodskyn C, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
IFN-beta impairs superoxide-dependent parasite killing in human macrophages: evidence for a deleterious role of SOD1 in cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
J Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Khouri R, Bafica A, Silva Mda P, Noronha A, Kolb JP, Wietzerbin J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J.
Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis transfectants overexpressing the miniexon gene lose virulence in vivo. - 
Parasitol Int. - 2009
Autor(es): de Toledo JS, Junqueira dos Santos AF, Rodrigues de Moura T, Antoniazi SA, Brodskyn C, Indiani de Oliveira C, Barral A, Cruz AK.
Neutrophils and Macrophages Cooperate in Host Resistance against Leishmania braziliensis Infection. - 
J Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Novais FO, Santiago RC, Báfica A, Khouri R, Afonso L, Borges VM, Brodskyn C, Barral-Netto M, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
Simkania negevensis infection among Brazilian children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia - 
J Infect. - 2009
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Paldanius M, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Saukkoriipi A, Vainionpää R, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen
The value of the otorhinolaryngologic exam in correct mucocutaneous leishmaniasis diagnosis.- 
Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2009
Autor(es): Boaventura VS, de Oliveira JG, Costa JM, Novais FO, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Álvaro Cruz
Asthma in Latin America: a public heath challenge and research opportunity. - 
Allergy. - 2009
Autor(es): Cooper PJ, Rodrigues LC, Cruz AA, Barreto ML
Effect of tiotropium on outcomes in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (UPLIFT): a prespecified subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled trial. - 
Lancet. 2009 Oct 3;374(9696):1171-8. Epub 2009 Aug 27. - 2009
Autor(es): Decramer M, Celli B, Kesten S, Lystig T, Mehra S, Tashkin DP; UPLIFT investigators.
Hospitalizations for asthma: impact of a program for the control of asthma and allergic rhinitis in Feira de Santana, Brazil. - 
J Bras Pneumol. 2009 Aug;35(8):723-9. - 2009
Autor(es): Brandão HV, Cruz CM, Santos Ida S Jr, Ponte EV, Guimarães A, Augusto Filho A.
Medications to the North, patients to the South. - 
J Bras Pneumol. - 2009
Autor(es): Camargos PA, Cruz AA, Bousquet J.
Rapid reduction in hospitalizations after an intervention to manage severe asthma. - 
Eur Respir J. - 2009
Autor(es): Souza-Machado C, Souza-Machado A, Franco R, Ponte EV, Barreto ML, Rodrigues LC, Bousquet J, Cruz AA.
Risk factors for ER visits due to asthma exacerbations in patients enrolled in a program for the control of asthma and allergie rhinitis in Feira de Santana, Brazil.. - 
J Bras Pneumol. 2009 Dec;35(12):1168-73. - 2009
Autor(es): Brandão HV, Cruz CS, Pinheiro MC, Costa EA, Guimarães A, Souza-Machado A, Cruz AA.
The economic impact of severe asthma to low-income families. - 
Allergy. - 2009
Autor(es): Franco R, Nascimento HF, Cruz AA, Santos AC, Souza-Machado C, Ponte EV, Souza-Machado A, Rodrigues LC, Barreto ML.
The unbearable cost of severe asthma in underprivileged populations. - 
Allergy. - 2009
Autor(es): Cruz AA, Bousquet PJ.
The WHO global alliance against chronic respiratory diseases in Turkey (GARD Turkey) - 
Tuberk Toraks - 2009
Autor(es): Yorgancioğlu A. et al
Unmet needs in severe chronic upper airway disease (SCUAD). - 
J Allergy Clin Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Bousquet J, Bachert C, Canonica GW, Casale TB, Cruz AA, Lockey RJ, Zuberbier T;
Argemiro D’Oliveira Jr
Prognostic value of exercise echocardiography in diabetic patients. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira JL, Barreto-Filho JA, Oliveira CR, Santana TA, Anjos-Andrade FD, Alves EO, Nascimento-Junior AC, Góes TJ, Santana NO, Vasconcelos FL, Barreto MA, D'Oliveira Junior A, Salvatori R, Aguiar-Oliveira MH, Sousa AC.
Revista (Journal): Cardiovasc Ultrasound. - 2009
Associatiation between hepatitis C and hepatocellular carcinoma. - 
Autor(es): Andrade LJO ; D'OLIVEIRA JÚNIOR, A. ; Melo RC ; Silva CAC ; PARANÁ, Raymundo
Revista (Journal): Journal of Global Infectious Diseases v.1, p.33-37 - 2009
Cristiana M. Nascimento-Carvalho
An 11-month-old girl with saliva impaction and vomiting - 
Pediatr Ann - 2009
Autor(es): Costa DT, Serra MI, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Nosocomial gastroenteritis in children with and without rotavirus infection. - 
Pediatr Infect Dis J - 2009
Autor(es): Moreira LL, Netto EM, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Penicillin/ampicillin efficacy among children with severe pneumonia due to penicillin-resistant pneumococcus (MIC=4 microg ml(-1)). - 
J Med Microbiol - 2009
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Brandileone MC, Ferrero F, Camargos P, Berezin E, Ruvinsky R, Sant´anna C, March MF, Feris-Iglesias J, Maggi R, Benguigui Y; CARIBE Group
Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination and otitis media: differences among high-risk and low-risk populations. - 
Expert Rev Vaccines - 2009
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Risk factors for nosocomial rotavirus infection in a paediatric hospital: the potential role for rotavirus vaccine use. - 
Vaccine - 2009
Autor(es): Moreira LL, Netto EM, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Severity of childhood community-acquired pneumonia and chest radiographic - 
Pediatr Pulmonol - 2009
Autor(es): Kin Key N, Araújo-Neto CA, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Simkania negevensis infection among Brazilian children hospitalized with community-acquired pneumonia - 
J Infect. - 2009
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Cardoso MR, Paldanius M, Barral A, Araújo-Neto CA, Saukkoriipi A, Vainionpää R, Leinonen M, Ruuskanen O.
Use of corticosteroid is a risk factor for nosocomial infection in paediatric patients. - 
J Hosp Infect - 2009
Autor(es): Moreira LL, Netto EM, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Edgar M. Carvalho
Association of treatment of American cutaneous leishmaniasis prior to ulcer development with high rate of failure in northeastern Brazil. - 
Am J Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Autor(es): Unger A, O'Neal S, Machado PR, Guimarães LH, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Glesby MJ, Carvalho EM.
Atypical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a transmission area of Leishmania braziliensis in the state of Bahia, Brazil. - 
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Autor(es): Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lago EL, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM.
Geographic clustering of leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil. - 
Emerg Infect Dis. - 2009
Autor(es): Schriefer A, Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lessa M, Lessa HA, Lago E, Ritt G, Góes-Neto A, Schriefer AL, Riley LW, Carvalho EM.
High HTLV-1 proviral load, a marker for HTLV-1 associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis, is also detected in patients with infective dermatitis associated with HTLV-1. - 
Braz J Med Biol Res. - 2009
Autor(es): Primo J, Siqueira I, Nascimento MC, Oliveira MF, Farre L, Carvalho EM, Bittencourt AL.
Infective dermatitis has similar immunological features to human T lymphotropic virus-type 1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis. - 
Clin Exp Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Nascimento MC, Primo J, Bittencourt A, Siqueira I, de Fátima Oliveira M, Meyer R, Schriefer A, Santos SB, Carvalho EM.
Interleukin 17 production among patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
J Infect Dis. - 2009
Autor(es): Bacellar O, Faria D, Nascimento M, Cardoso TM, Gollob KJ, Dutra WO, Scott P, Carvalho EM.
Prevalence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 infection in hospitalized patients with tuberculosis. - 
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. - 2009
Autor(es): de Lourdes Bastos M, Osterbauer B, Mesquita DL, Carrera CA, Albuquerque MJ, Silva L, Pereira DN, Riley L, Carvalho EM.
Proinflammatory cytokines in patients with neuropathic pain treated with Tramadol. - 
Rev Bras Anestesiol. - 2009
Autor(es): Kraychete DC, Sakata RK, Issy AM, Bacellar O, Jesus RS, Carvalho EM.
Recruitment of CD8(+) T cells expressing granzyme A is associated with lesion progression in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Parasite Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Faria DR, Souza PE, Durães FV, Carvalho EM, Gollob KJ, Machado PR, Dutra WO.
Schistosoma mansoni antigens modulate experimental allergic asthma in a murine model: a major role for CD4+ CD25+ Foxp3+ T cells independent of interleukin-10. - 
Infect Immun. - 2009
Autor(es): Pacífico LG, Marinho FA, Fonseca CT, Barsante MM, Pinho V, Sales-Junior PA, Cardoso LS, Araújo MI, Carvalho EM, Cassali GD, Teixeira MM, Oliveira SC.
Schistosoma mansoni infection alters co-stimulatory molecule expression and cell activation in asthma. - 
Microbes Infect. - 2009
Autor(es): Oliveira RR, Gollob KJ, Figueiredo JP, Alcântara LM, Cardoso LS, Aquino CS, Campos RA, Almeida MC, Carvalho EM, Araujo MI.
Jamary Oliveira-Filho
Brazilian guidelines for the manegement of intracerebral hemorrhage - 
Autor(es): Pontes-Neto OM, Oliveira-Filho J, Valiente R, Friedrich M, Pedreira B, Rodrigues BC, Liberato B, Freitas GR; Comitê Executivo da Soc. Bras. de Doenças Cerebrovasculares; Dep. Científico de Doenças Cerebrovasculares, Academia Brasileira de Neurologia.
Revista (Journal): Arq Neuropsiquiatr. - 2009
Hyperglycemia in pediatric head trauma patients: a cross-sectional study. - 
Autor(es): Melo JR, Reis RC, Lemos LP Jr, Coelho HM, de Almeida CE, Oliveira-Filho J.
Revista (Journal): Arq Neuropsiquiatr. - 2009
Validation of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, modified Rankin Scale and Barthel Index in Brazil: the role of cultural adaptation and structured interviewing. - 
Autor(es): Cincura C, Pontes-Neto OM, Neville IS, Mendes HF, Menezes DF, Mariano DC, Pereira IF, Teixeira LA, Jesus PA, de Queiroz DC, Pereira DF, Pinto E, Leite JP, Lopes AA, Oliveira-Filho J.
Revista (Journal): Cerebrovasc Dis. - 2009
National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, Modified Rankin Scale and Barthel Index in Brazil: The Role of Cultural Adaptation and Structured Interviewing - 
Revista (Journal): Cerebrovascular Diseases - 2009
Chagas disease is independently associated with brain atrophy. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira-Filho J, Vieira-de-Melo RM, Reis PS, Lacerda AM, Neville IS, Cincura C, Menezes DF, Viana LC, Jesus PA, Lopes AA, Reis FJ, Furie KL.
Revista (Journal): J Neurol. - 2009
Manoel Barral-Netto
Anti-Anopheles darlingi saliva antibodies as marker of Plasmodium vivax infection and clinical immunity in the Brazilian Amazon. - 
Malar J. - 2009
Autor(es): Andrade BB, Rocha BC, Reis-Filho A, Camargo LM, Tadei WP, Moreira LA, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
Challenges and perspectives in vaccination against leishmaniasis. - 
Parasitol Int. - 2009
Autor(es): de Oliveira CI, Nascimento IP, Barral A, Soto M, Barral-Netto M.
Could the lower frequency of CD8+CD18+CD45RO+ lymphocytes be biomarkers of human VL? - 
Int Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Clarêncio J, de Oliveira CI, Favali C, Medina O, Caldas A, Costa CH, Costa DL, Brodskyn C, Barral A, Barral-Netto M.
IFN-beta impairs superoxide-dependent parasite killing in human macrophages: evidence for a deleterious role of SOD1 in cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
J Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Khouri R, Bafica A, Silva Mda P, Noronha A, Kolb JP, Wietzerbin J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J.
Las Histonas de Leishmania
Gazeta Médica da Bahia, v. 3, p. 129-133 - 2009
Autor(es): Ramirez, L. ; IBORRA, S. ; de Oliveira, C. I. ; de Oliveira, Camila I. ; CARNEIRO, M. W. ; RUIZ, D. ; GONZALEZ, V. M. ; CORVO, L. ; NIETO, C. G. ; ALONSO, C. ; BONAY, P. ; BARRAL, A. ; Barral-Netto, M. ; SOTO, M
Neutrophils and Macrophages Cooperate in Host Resistance against Leishmania braziliensis Infection. - 
J Immunol. - 2009
Autor(es): Novais FO, Santiago RC, Báfica A, Khouri R, Afonso L, Borges VM, Brodskyn C, Barral-Netto M, Barral A, de Oliveira CI.
The role of the otorhinolaryngologic exam in correct mucocutaneous leishmaniasis diagnosis. -
Am J Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Autor(es): Boaventura VS, de Oliveira JG, Costa JM, Novais FO, de Oliveira CI, Barral-Netto M, Barral A.
Olívia Bacellar
Proinflammatory cytokines in patients with neuropathic pain treated with Tramadol. - 
Autor(es): Kraychete DC, Sakata RK, Issy AM, Bacellar O, Jesus RS, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Rev Bras Anestesiol. - 2009
Association of treatment of American cutaneous leishmaniasis prior to ulcer development with high rate of failure in northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Unger A, O'Neal S, Machado PR, Guimarães LH, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Glesby MJ, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Interleukin 17 production among patients with American cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Bacellar O, Faria D, Nascimento M, Cardoso TM, Gollob KJ, Dutra WO, Scott P, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis. - 2009
Atypical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a transmission area of Leishmania braziliensis in the state of Bahia, Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lago EL, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Paulo R. Machado
Recruitment of CD8(+) T cells expressing granzyme A is associated with lesion progression in human cutaneous leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Faria DR, Souza PE, Durães FV, Carvalho EM, Gollob KJ, Machado PR, Dutra WO.
Revista (Journal): Parasite Immunol. - 2009
Association of treatment of American cutaneous leishmaniasis prior to ulcer development with high rate of failure in northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Unger A, O'Neal S, Machado PR, Guimarães LH, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Glesby MJ, Carvalho EM
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Atypical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in a transmission area of Leishmania braziliensis in the state of Bahia, Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lago EL, Morgan DJ, Schriefer A, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. - 2009
Geographic clustering of leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Schriefer A, Guimarães LH, Machado PR, Lessa M, Lessa HA, Lago E, Ritt G, Góes-Neto A, Schriefer AL, Riley LW, Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Emerg Infect Dis. - 2009
Raymundo Paraná
Impact of psychiatric disorders on the quality of life of brazilian HCV-infected patients - 
Braz J Infect Dis. - 2009
Autor(es): Batista-Neves S, Quarantini LC, Galvão-de Almeida A, Cardeal M, Lacerda AL, Paraná R, Reis de-Oliveira I, Bressan RA, Miranda-Scippa A.
Peginterferon alfa-2b and ribavirin: effective in patients with hepatitis C who failed interferon alfa/ribavirin therapy. - 
Gastroenterology. 2009 May;136(5):1618-28.e2. Epub 2009 Jan 22. - 2009
Autor(es): Poynard T, Colombo M, Bruix J, Schiff E, Terg R, Flamm S, Moreno-Otero R, Carrilho F, Schmidt W, Berg T, McGarrity T, Heathcote EJ, Gonçales F, Diago M, Craxi A, Silva M, et al
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