Albert Schriefer
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B and hepatitis delta viruses circulating in the Western Amazon region, North Brazil.
Autor(es): Crispim MA, Fraiji NA, Campello SC, Schriefer NA, Stefani MM1, Kiesslich D.
Revista (Journal): BMC Infect Dis - 2014
The role of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of human tegumentary leishmaniasis.
Autor(es): Oliveira WN, Ribeiro LE, Schrieffer A, Machado P, Carvalho EM, Bacellar O
Revista (Journal): Cytokine - 2014
Aldina Barral
Arginase I, Polyamine, and Prostaglandin E2 Pathways Suppress the Inflammatory Response and Contribute to Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. 
Autor(es): França-Costa J, Van Weyenbergh J, Boaventura VS, Luz NF, Malta-Santos H, Oliveira MC, Santos de Campos DC, Saldanha AC, Dos-Santos WL, Bozza PT, Barral-Netto M, Barral A, Costa JM, Borges VM
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Repeated exposure to Lutzomyia intermedia sand fly saliva induces local expression of interferon-inducible genes both at the site of injection in mice and in human blood. 
Autor(es): Weinkopff T, de Oliveira CI, de Carvalho AM, Hauyon-La Torre Y, Muniz AC, Miranda JC, Barral A, Tacchini-Cottier F.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis - 2014
Validating report of first episode of wheezing with pediatrician-detected wheezing among children. 
Autor(es): Bouzas ML, Cardoso MR, Solé D, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Allergy Immunol - 2014
SOD1 Plasma Nível como um biomarcador para a falha terapêutica na leishmaniose tegumentar. - 
Autor(es): Khouri R, Santos GS, Soares G, Costa JM, Barral A , Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Prevalence and risk factors for wheezing in Salvador, Brazil: a population-based study. - 
Autor(es): Reis GG, Miranda VM, Cardoso MR, Solé D, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Revista (Journal): QJM. - 2014
A fluorescent multiplexed bead-based immunoassay (FMIA) for quantitation of IgG against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis protein antigens. - 
Autor(es): Andrade DC, Borges IC, Laitinen H, Ekström N, Adrian PV, Meinke A, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Käyhty H
Revista (Journal): J Immunol Methods - 2014
Serological survey of Leishmania infection in blood donors in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Fukutani KF, Figueiredo V, Celes FS, Cristal JR, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): BMC Infect Dis - 2014
CD8+ Granzyme B+-Mediated Tissue Injury versus CD4+IFNγ+-Mediated Parasite Killing in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Boaventura V, Cardoso CR, Tavares N, Lordelo MJ, Noronha A, Costa J, Borges VM, de Oliveira CI, Van Weyenbergh J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol - 2014
Environmental factors independently associated with the first episode of wheezing among children. - 
Autor(es): Bouzas ML, Solé D, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Allergy Immunol - 2014
Comparison of oral amoxicillin given thrice or twice daily to children between 2 and 59 months old with non-severe pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial. - 
Autor(es): Vilas-Boas AL, Fontoura MS, Xavier-Souza G, Araújo-Neto CA, Andrade SC, Brim RV, Noblat L, Barral A, Cardoso MR, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): J Antimicrob Chemother - 2014
Álvaro Cruz
Reduced asthma morbidity in endemic areas for helminth infections: a longitudinal ecological study in Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Ponte EV, Rasella D, Souza-Machado C, Stelmach R, Barreto ML, Cruz AA.
Revista (Journal): J Asthma - 2014
Blomia tropicalis Blo t 5 and Blo t 21 recombinant allergens might confer higher specificity to serodiagnostic assays than whole mite extract - 
Autor(es): Carvalho Kdos A, de Melo-Neto OP, Magalhães FB, Ponte JC, Felipe FA, dos Santos MC, dos Santos Lima G, Cruz ÁA, Pinheiro CS, Pontes-de-Carvalho LC, Alcantara-Neves NM
Revista (Journal): BMC Immunol - 2014
The Global Alliance against Respiratory Diseases (GARD) Country Report. - 
Autor(es): Yorgancioglu A, Cruz AA, Bousquet J, Khaltaev N, Mendis S, Chuchalin A, Bateman ED, Camargos P, Chavannes NH, Bai C, Deleanu D, Kolek V, Kuna P, Laurendi G, Masjedi MR, Mele S, Mihaltan F, Pinto JR, Samolinski B, Scalera G, Sooronbaev T, Tageldin MA, Tuyetlan le T, Yusuf O, Akdis C, Baigenzhin A, Cagnani CB, Fletcher M, Gemicioglu B, Muhammed Y, Sagra H, To T, Wagner AH
Revista (Journal): Prim Care Respir J - 2014
Risk factors for death in patients with severe asthma. - 
Autor(es): Fernandes AG, Souza-Machado C, Coelho RC, Franco PA, Esquivel RM, Souza-Machado A, Cruz AA.
Revista (Journal): J Bras Pneumol - 2014
Prevalence of asthma symptoms among adolescents in Brazil: National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE 2012). - 
Autor(es): Barreto ML, Ribeiro-Silva Rde C, Malta DC, Oliveira-Campos M, Andreazzi MA, Cruz AA.
Revista (Journal): Rev Bras Epidemiol - 2014
Fighting respiratory diseases: divided efforts lead to weakness. - 
Autor(es): Pérez-Padilla R, Stelmach R, Soto-Quiroz M, Cruz AA.
Revista (Journal): J Bras Pneumol. - 2014
Integrated care pathways for airway diseases (AIRWAYS-ICPs). - 
Revista (Journal): Eur Respir J - 2014
Causes of variation in BCG vaccine efficacy: examining evidence from the BCG REVAC cluster randomized trial to explore the masking and the blocking hypotheses. - 
Autor(es): Barreto ML, Pilger D, Pereira SM, Genser B, Cruz AA, Cunha SS, Sant´Anna C, Hijjar MA, Ichihara MY, Rodrigues LC
Revista (Journal): Vaccine. - 2014
Obstructive sleep apnea and asthma. - 
Autor(es): Salles C, Terse-Ramos R, Souza-Machado A, Cruz ÁA.
Revista (Journal): J Bras Pneumol - 2014
Influence of periodontitis in the development of nosocomial pneumonia: a case control study. -
Autor(es): Gomes-Filho IS, de Oliveira TF, da Cruz SS, Passos-Soares Jde S, Trindade SC, Oliveira MT, Souza-Machado A, Cruz ÁA, Barreto ML, Seymour GJ.
Revista (Journal): J Periodontol. - 2014
Weight gain in the first two years of life, asthma and atopy: the SCAALA cohort study. - 
Autor(es): Matos SM, Jesus SR, Saldiva SR, Prado MS, D´Innocenzo S, Assis AM, Rodrigues LC, Alcantara-Neves NM, Cruz AA, Simões Sde M, Fiaccone RL, Barreto ML.
Revista (Journal): Public Health Nutr. - 2014
Prevalence of asthma symptoms among adolescents in Brazil: National Adolescent School-based Health Survey (PeNSE 2012). - 
Autor(es): Barreto ML, Ribeiro-Silva Rde C, Malta DC, Oliveira-Campos M, Andreazzi MA, Cruz AA.
Revista (Journal): Rev Bras Epidemiol - 2014
Argemiro D’Oliveira Jr
HBV/HDV co-infection in the Western Brazilian Amazonia: an intriguing mutation among HDV genotype 3 carriers - 
Autor(es): Kay A1, Melo da Silva E, Pedreira H, Negreiros S, Lobato C, Braga W, Muwonge R, Dény P, Reis M, Zoulim F, Trepo C, D Oliveira A Jr, Salcedo JM, Schinoni MI, Parana R.
Revista (Journal): J Viral Hepat. - 2014
Camila Indiani de Oliveira
Serological survey of Leishmania infection in blood donors in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Fukutani KF, Figueiredo V, Celes FS, Cristal JR, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): BMC Infect Dis - 2014
Cross-protective effect of a combined L5 plus L3 Leishmania major ribosomal protein based vaccine combined with a Th1 adjuvant in murine cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Ramirez L, Corvo L, Duarte MC, Chávez-Fumagalli MA, Valadares DG, Santos DM, de Oliveira CI, Escutia MR, Alonso C, Bonay P, Tavares CA, Coelho EA, Soto M
Revista (Journal): Parasit Vectors - 2014
The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of HTLV-1-associated overactive bladder refractory to conventional therapy. - 
Autor(es): Carneiro Neto JA, Bittencourt VG, de Oliveira C, Andrade R, de Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Rev Soc Bras Med Trop - 2014
CD8+ Granzyme B+-Mediated Tissue Injury versus CD4+IFNγ+-Mediated Parasite Killing in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Boaventura V, Cardoso CR, Tavares N, Lordelo MJ, Noronha A, Costa J, Borges VM, de Oliveira CI, Van Weyenbergh J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol - 2014
Repeated exposure to Lutzomyia intermedia sand fly saliva induces local expression of interferon-inducible genes both at the site of injection in mice and in human blood. - 
Autor(es): Weinkopff T, de Oliveira CI, de Carvalho AM, Hauyon-La Torre Y, Muniz AC, Miranda JC, Barral A, Tacchini-Cottier F.
Revista (Journal): PLoS Negl Trop Dis - 2014
Claudia Ida Brodskyn
Proteome Profiling of Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Lesion. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Attarha S, Saini RK, Boaventura V, Costa J, Khouri R, Barral-Netto M, Ida Brodskyn C, Souchelnytskyi S.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol. - 2014
Understanding the mechanisms controlling Leishmania amazonensis infection in vitro: the role of LTB4 derived from human neutrophils. - 
Autor(es): Tavares NM, Araújo-Santos T, Afonso L, Nogueira PM, Lopes UG, Soares RP, Bozza PT, Bandeira-Melo C, Borges VM, Brodskyn C
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
CD8+ Granzyme B+-Mediated Tissue Injury versus CD4+IFNγ+-Mediated Parasite Killing in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Boaventura V, Cardoso CR, Tavares N, Lordelo MJ, Noronha A, Costa J, Borges VM, de Oliveira CI, Van Weyenbergh J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol - 2014
Cristiana M. Nascimento-Carvalho
Validating report of first episode of wheezing with pediatrician-detected wheezing among children. - 
Autor(es): Bouzas ML, Cardoso MR, Solé D, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Allergy Immunol - 2014
A fluorescent multiplexed bead-based immunoassay (FMIA) for quantitation of IgG against Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella catarrhalis protein antigens. - 
Autor(es): Andrade DC, Borges IC, Laitinen H, Ekström N, Adrian PV, Meinke A, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Käyhty H
Revista (Journal): J Immunol Methods - 2014
Comparison of oral amoxicillin given thrice or twice daily to children between 2 and 59 months old with non-severe pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial. - 
Autor(es): Vilas-Boas AL, Fontoura MS, Xavier-Souza G, Araújo-Neto CA, Andrade SC, Brim RV, Noblat L, Barral A, Cardoso MR, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): J Antimicrob Chemother - 2014
Empyema and bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia in children under five years of age. - 
Autor(es): Cardoso MR, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Ferrero F, Berezin EN, Ruvinsky R, Sant´anna CC, Brandileone MC, March Mde F, Maggi R, Feris-Iglesias J, Benguigui Y, Camargos PA; CARIBE group
Revista (Journal): J Bras Pneumol. - 2014
Prevalence and risk factors for wheezing in Salvador, Brazil: a population-based study. - 
Autor(es): Reis GG, Miranda VM, Cardoso MR, Solé D, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): QJM - 2014
Retrospective analysis of the efficacies of two different regimens of aqueous penicillin G administered to children with pneumonia. - 
Autor(es): Brandão A, Simbalista R, Borges IC, Andrade DC, Araújo M, Nascimento-Carvalho CM.
Revista (Journal): Antimicrob Agents Chemother. - 2014
Comparison of oral amoxicillin given thrice or twice daily to children between 2 and 59 months old with non-severe pneumonia: a randomized controlled trial-authors response. - 
Autor(es): Vilas-Boas AL, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): J Antimicrob Chemother - 2014
Environmental factors independently associated with the first episode of wheezing among children. - 
Autor(es): Bouzas ML, Solé D, Cardoso MR, Barral A, Nascimento-Carvalho CM
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Allergy Immunol - 2014
Is pneumonia among children in developing countries a different disease from the 1 among patients in the same age group in developed countries? - 
Autor(es): Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Madhi SA, O Brien KL.
Revista (Journal): Pediatr Infect Dis J - 2014
Epidemiological aspects of influenza A related to climatic conditions during and after a pandemic period in the city of Salvador, northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Silva Rde C, Siqueira MA, Netto EM, Bastos JS, Nascimento-Carvalho CM, Vilas-Boas AL, Bouzas ML, Motta Fdo C, Brites C.
Revista (Journal): Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz - 2014
Edgar M. Carvalho
Intermediate Monocytes Contribute to Pathologic Immune Response in Leishmania braziliensis Infections - 
Autor(es): Passos S, Carvalho LP, Costa RS, Campos TM, Novais FO, Magalhães A, Machado PR, Beiting D, Mosser D, Carvalho EM, Scott P.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis. - 2014
Clinical and Immunological Outcome in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Treated with Pentoxifylline - 
Autor(es): Brito G, Dourado M, Polari L, Celestino D, Carvalho LP, Queiroz A, Carvalho E, Machado PR, Passos S.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2014
The role of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of human tegumentary leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira WN, Ribeiro LE, Schrieffer A, Machado P, Carvalho EM, Bacellar O
Revista (Journal): Cytokine - 2014
Epitopos de células B de proteínas antigénicas em Leishmania infantum: uma análise in silico. - 
Autor(es): Assis LM, Sousa JR, Pinto NF, Silva AA, De Melo Vaz AF, Andrade PP, Carvalho EM , Melo MA
Revista (Journal): Parasite Immunol - 2014
Comment: seroprevalence of HTLV-1/2 among blood donors in the state of Maranhão, Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Carvalho EM
Revista (Journal): Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter. - 2014
The use of botulinum toxin type A in the treatment of HTLV-1-associated overactive bladder refractory to conventional therapy. - 
Autor(es): Carneiro Neto JA, Bittencourt VG, de Oliveira C, Andrade R, de Carvalho EM.
Revista (Journal): Rev Soc Bras Med Trop - 2014
Genomic Profiling of Human Leishmania braziliensis Lesions Identifies Transcriptional Modules Associated with Cutaneous Immunopathology. - 
Autor(es): Novais FO, Carvalho LP, Passos S, Roos DS, Carvalho EM, Scott P, Beiting DP.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol. - 2014
Host genetic factors in American cutaneous leishmaniasis: a critical appraisal of studies conducted in an endemic area of Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Castellucci LC, Almeida LF, Jamieson SE, Fakiola M, Carvalho EM, Blackwell JM.
Revista (Journal): Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz - 2014
Monocyte subsets in schistosomiasis patients with periportal fibrosis. - 
Autor(es): Fernandes JS, Araujo MI, Lopes DM, de Souza Rda P, Carvalho EM, Cardoso LS.
Revista (Journal): Mediators Inflamm. - 2014
B-cell epitopes of antigenic proteins in Leishmania infantum: an in silico analysis. - 
Autor(es): Assis LM, Sousa JR, Pinto NF, Silva AA, Vaz AF, Andrade PP, Carvalho EM, De Melo MA.
Revista (Journal): Parasite Immunol. - 2014
Human classical monocytes control the intracellular stage of Leishmania braziliensis by reactive oxygen species. - 
Autor(es): Novais FO, Nguyen BT, Beiting DP, Carvalho LP, Glennie ND, Passos S, Carvalho EM, Scott P
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Tr-1-Like CD4+CD25-CD127-/lowFOXP3- Cells Are the Main Source of Interleukin 10 in Patients With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Due to Leishmania braziliensis. - 
Autor(es): Costa DL, Cardoso TM, Queiroz A, Milanezi CM, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM, Silva JS.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Jamary Oliveira-Filho
Interrelationship of superficial siderosis and microbleeds in cerebral amyloid angiopathy - 
Revista (Journal): Neurology (Cleveland, Ohio) - 2014
Risk factors associated with falls in adult patients after stroke living in the community: baseline data from a stroke cohort in Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Pinto EB, Nascimento C, Marinho C, Oliveira I, Monteiro M, Castro M, Myllane-Fernandes P, Ventura LM, Maso I, Lopes AA, Oliveira-Filho J.
Revista (Journal): Top Stroke Rehabil. - 2014
Recurrent Falls in People with Parkinson?s Disease without Cognitive Impairment: Focusing on Modifiable Risk Factors. - 
Revista (Journal): Parkinson´s Disease - 2014
Léa Castellucci
Host genetic factors in American cutaneous leishmaniasis: a critical appraisal of studies conducted in an endemic area of Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Castellucci LC, Almeida LF, Jamieson SE, Fakiola M, Carvalho EM, Blackwell JM.
Revista (Journal): Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz - 2014
Lucas Pedreira de Carvalho
Human classical monocytes control the intracellular stage of Leishmania braziliensis by reactive oxygen species. - 
Autor(es): Novais FO, Nguyen BT, Beiting DP, Carvalho LP, Glennie ND, Passos S, Carvalho EM, Scott P
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Genomic Profiling of Human Leishmania braziliensis Lesions Identifies Transcriptional Modules Associated with Cutaneous Immunopathology. - 
Autor(es): Novais FO, Carvalho LP, Passos S, Roos DS, Carvalho EM, Scott P, Beiting DP.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol. - 2014
Intermediate Monocytes Contribute to Pathologic Immune Response in Leishmania braziliensis Infections - 
Autor(es): Passos S, Carvalho LP, Costa RS, Campos TM, Novais FO, Magalhães A, Machado PR, Beiting D, Mosser D, Carvalho EM, Scott P.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis. - 2014
Clinical and Immunological Outcome in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Treated with Pentoxifylline - 
Autor(es): Brito G, Dourado M, Polari L, Celestino D, Carvalho LP, Queiroz A, Carvalho E, Machado PR, Passos S.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2014
Manoel Barral-Netto
CD8+ Granzyme B+-Mediated Tissue Injury versus CD4+IFNγ+-Mediated Parasite Killing in Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Boaventura V, Cardoso CR, Tavares N, Lordelo MJ, Noronha A, Costa J, Borges VM, de Oliveira CI, Van Weyenbergh J, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, Brodskyn CI.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol - 2014
Proteome Profiling of Human Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Lesion. - 
Autor(es): da Silva Santos C, Attarha S, Saini RK, Boaventura V, Costa J, Khouri R, Barral-Netto M, Ida Brodskyn C, Souchelnytskyi S.
Revista (Journal): J Invest Dermatol. - 2014
DDX39B (BAT1), TNF and IL6 gene polymorphisms and association with clinical outcomes of patients with Plasmodium vivax malaria. - 
Autor(es): Mendonça VR, Souza LC, Garcia GC, Magalhães BM, Lacerda MV, Andrade BB, Gonçalves MS, Barral-Netto M.
Revista (Journal): Malar J. - 2014
Serological survey of Leishmania infection in blood donors in Salvador, Northeastern Brazil. - 
Autor(es): Fukutani KF, Figueiredo V, Celes FS, Cristal JR, Barral A, Barral-Netto M, de Oliveira CI.
Revista (Journal): BMC Infect Dis - 2014
SOD1 Plasma Nível como um biomarcador para a falha terapêutica na leishmaniose tegumentar. - 
Autor(es): Khouri R, Santos GS, Soares G, Costa JM, Barral A , Barral-Netto M, Van Weyenbergh J
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Arginase I, Polyamine, and Prostaglandin E2 Pathways Suppress the Inflammatory Response and Contribute to Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): França-Costa J, Van Weyenbergh J, Boaventura VS, Luz NF, Malta-Santos H, Oliveira MC, Santos de Campos DC, Saldanha AC, Dos-Santos WL, Bozza PT, Barral-Netto M, Barral A, Costa JM, Borges VM
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Olívia Bacellar
The role of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of human tegumentary leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira WN, Ribeiro LE, Schrieffer A, Machado P, Carvalho EM, Bacellar O
Revista (Journal): Cytokine - 2014
Tr-1-Like CD4+CD25-CD127-/lowFOXP3- Cells Are the Main Source of Interleukin 10 in Patients With Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Due to Leishmania braziliensis. - 
Autor(es): Costa DL, Cardoso TM, Queiroz A, Milanezi CM, Bacellar O, Carvalho EM, Silva JS.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis - 2014
Paulo N. Rocha
Opinions of Students from a Brazilian Medical School Regarding Online Professionalism. - 
Autor(es): Rocha PN, de Castro NA
Revista (Journal): J Gen Intern Med - 2014
Paulo R. Machado
Intermediate Monocytes Contribute to Pathologic Immune Response in Leishmania braziliensis Infections - 
Autor(es): Passos S, Carvalho LP, Costa RS, Campos TM, Novais FO, Magalhães A, Machado PR, Beiting D, Mosser D, Carvalho EM, Scott P.
Revista (Journal): J Infect Dis. - 2014
Erythema exsudativum multiforme after a Leishmania skin test. - 
Autor(es): Wind BS, Guimarães LH, Machado PR.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2014
The role of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of human tegumentary leishmaniasis. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira WN, Ribeiro LE, Schrieffer A, Machado P, Carvalho EM, Bacellar O
Revista (Journal): Cytokine - 2014
Clinical and Immunological Outcome in Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Patients Treated with Pentoxifylline - 
Autor(es): Brito G, Dourado M, Polari L, Celestino D, Carvalho LP, Queiroz A, Carvalho E, Machado PR, Passos S.
Revista (Journal): Am J Trop Med Hyg - 2014
Raymundo Paraná
Serotonin-1A receptor CC genotype is associated with persistent depression related to interferon-alpha in hepatitis C patients. - 
Autor(es): Galvão-de Almeida A, Quarantini LC, Tartaglioni AG, Lyra AC, Parise CL, Paraná R, de Oliveira IR, Miranda-Scippa A, Guindalini C.
Revista (Journal): Gen Hosp Psychiatry. - 2014
Serum levels of immunoglobulin free light chains in patients with chronic hepatitis C presenting cryoglobulinemia. - 
Autor(es): Oliveira IS, Cabral MS, Jesus LS, Paraná R, Atta AM, Sousa Atta ML.
Revista (Journal): Braz J Infect Dis. - 2014
Latin american association for the study of the liver recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C. - 
Autor(es): Méndez-Sánchez N, Paraná R, Cheinquer H, Alves de Mattos A, Gadano A, Silva M, Pessôa MG, Gomes-Ferraz ML, Soza A, Mendes-Correa MC, Chávez-Tapia NC, Dagher L, Padilla M, Hernandez N, Sánchez-Avila JF, Contreras F, Moraes-Coelho HS, Parise ER, Bessone F, Uribe M.
Revista (Journal): Ann Hepatol. - 2014
Grading scale of visceral adipose tissue thickness and their relation to the nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. - 
Autor(es): Andrade LJ, Melo PR, Paraná R, Daltro C.
Revista (Journal): Arq Gastroenterol - 2014
Chronic HDV/HBV co-infection: Predictors of disease stage - a case series of HDV-3 patients. -
Autor(es): Braga WS, de Oliveira CM, de Araújo JR, Castilho MD, Rocha JM, Gimaque JB, Silva ML, Vasconcelos HL, Ramasawmy R, Paraná R.
Revista (Journal): J Hepatol - 2014
Telaprevir twice daily is noninferior to telaprevir every 8 hours for patients with chronic hepatitis C. - 
Autor(es): Buti M, Agarwal K, Horsmans Y, Sievert W, Janczewska E, Zeuzem S, Nyberg L, Brown RS Jr, Hézode C, Rizzetto M, Paraná R, De Meyer S, De Masi R, Luo D, Bertelsen K, Witek J
Revista (Journal): Gastroenterology - 2014
HBV/HDV co-infection in the Western Brazilian Amazonia: an intriguing mutation among HDV genotype 3 carriers - 
Autor(es): Kay A1, Melo da Silva E, Pedreira H, Negreiros S, Lobato C, Braga W, Muwonge R, Dény P, Reis M, Zoulim F, Trepo C, D Oliveira A Jr, Salcedo JM, Schinoni MI, Parana R.
Revista (Journal): J Viral Hepat. - 2014
Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver (LAASL) clinical practice guidelines: management of hepatocellular carcinoma. - 
Autor(es): Méndez-Sánchez N, Ridruejo E, Alves de Mattos A, Chávez-Tapia NC, Zapata R, Paraná R, Mastai R, Strauss E, Guevara-Casallas LG, Daruich J, Gadano A, Parise ER, Uribe M, Aguilar-Olivos NE, Dagher L, Ferraz-Neto BH, Valdés-Sánchez M, Sánchez-Avila JF.
Revista (Journal): Ann Hepatol. - 2014
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