Disciplines and activities

Disciplines and activities

Disciplines (click on the name of the discipline to see more information)

 Name of discipline












Clinical trials




Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases




Scientific writing




Complementary internship




Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy




Applied Research Methodology




Research Methodology




Bibliographical Research




Advanced Seminars in Science Research





Compulsory activities (click on the name of the activity to see more information)

Name of activity




Qualification Exam




Methodology and Production of Scientific Research




Guided research





Dissertation Project





Thesis project






Page 9A Biostatistics

Biostatistics – MEDA89


This discipline is a compulsory subject in the Post-Graduate Health Sciences Program (PPGCS) core curriculum, 102 hours taught annually over 17 weeks every year. Its aim is to provide the post-graduate student with the basics of statistics applied to biological sciences. 


Teacher: Jamary Oliveira-Filho and Paulo Rocha
Credits: 3
Time: Monday, 2pm - 6pm
Course: Both
Type: Compulsory

Page 9B - Bioethics

Bioethics – MEDA90


This discipline belongs to the Minimum Curriculum Required Program of Post-Graduate Studies in Health Sciences (PPgCS), offered annually, consisting of one (1) week of the course, taught over 34 hours, intensively over one week. It aims to guide the post-graduate student on the subject of ethical reflection in science, focusing on the emergence of Bioethics and related historical facts. This includes; the practice of good science without fraud; falsification or plagiarism and providing the ethical basics of research into human beings and animals. It emphasizes the ethical values pertaining to the proper planning of research projects aimed at the enhancement of integrity and scientific honesty, and brings together the post-graduate elements for self-criticism and improvement of their own research project, from a bioethical standpoint.

Professor: Eduardo M. Netto

Credits: 2
Time: mornings, 1st academic week
Course: Both
Type: Compulsory



Page 9C – Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials - MEDA91


This discipline belongs to the Minimum Compulsory Curriculum for the Post-Graduate Health Sciences Course (PPGCS), conducted annually, covering four weeks of the course, taught over 51 hours. It aims to enable students to meet the various types of intervention study design, with emphasis on therapeutic trials. The pros and cons of each type of study are discussed, such as the theoretical and practical foundations of to choose studies appropriate to the main question, and also examines planning, execution and publication.

Professor: Paulo Machado

Credits: 3

Time: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for 4 weeks

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory


Page 9D - Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases

Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases - ICSA49


This discipline belongs to the Minimum Compulsory Curriculum for the Post-Graduate Health Sciences Course (PPGCS), conducted annually, covering four weeks of the course, taught over 34 hours. It aims to train students in the basic principles and analytical techniques of molecular epidemiology, and exercise their use in better clinical and epidemiological understanding of infectious and parasitic diseases.

Professor: Albert Schriefer and Léa Castelucci

Credits: 2

Time: Tuesday and Thursday evenings, for 4 weeks

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory


Page 9E – Scientific Writing

Scientific Writing - MEDA96


This discipline belongs to the Minimum Compulsory Course Curriculum required for the Doctoral Post-Graduate Program in Health Sciences (PPGCS). It is given during the second year of the course, and is taught over 102 hours. It aims to enable students to develop scientific text, mostly in the form of articles, which is how the results of their thesis project have to be presented.

Professors: Aldina Barral, Cristiana Nascimento-Carvalho and Sara Passos

Credits: 3

Time: Friday mornings

Course: PhD

Type: Compulsory


Page 9F      
Complementary internship - MEDA97


The discipline “Complementary Internship” aims to systematize the planning, implementation and evaluation of the practical activity of doctoral students in their respective areas of research. The training should be a minimum of 150 hours in the semester and can be conducted at any academic institution in the country or abroad, and must relate to the capacity or enhancement of the PhD student’s techniques that will be used in his research project. The syllabus of the course is variable, according to the student and his project, but must involve the implementation and validation of laboratory techniques, drafting, implementation and validation of questionnaires, and/or the execution of diagnostic procedures or treatment. Students receive general guidance and supervision by a faculty member responsible for the discipline, and the direct supervision of an instructor for the internship, which may or may not be your advisor. Each student must submit a detailed proposal of the internship to satisfy the requirements described above, signed by the proposed supervisor, during the first class of the course. The proposals will be evaluated by the teacher in charge, and if approved, will be adopted officially as that student’s internship program. There will be meetings with the relevant teaching staff and all students for general guidance, planning, identification and discussion of problems and solutions, and evaluation of the stages.

Professor: Álvaro Cruz

Credits: 3

Time: To be arranged

Course: PhD

Type: Compulsory



Page 9G - Imunologia Clínica e Imunoterapia

Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy - MEDA95


The Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy discipline has the purpose of teaching both clinical and applied Immunology. The content of the course includes basic concepts in Immunology, including the immunological defence mechanisms of hosts and tissue damage, in addition to the regulatory mechanisms of the immune response. After studying the basics, students will have the opportunity to study the mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of allergic diseases and autoimmune diseases, as well as the immunopathogenisis of infectious and parasitic diseases of high prevalence in our midst, the primary immunodeficiency syndromes and the methods of evaluation of the immune response.

Professors: Edgar Carvalho, Lucas Carvalho, Olívia Bacellar

Credits: 3

Time: Monday and Wednesday, 17:00-19:00

Course: Both

Type: Optional


Pagina 9H - Metodologia Científica Aplicada
Applied Research Methodology - MEDA92/98


This discipline is part of the compulsory minimum curriculum of the post-graduate program in Health Sciences (PPGCS), given annually, covering 34 weeks of the course, with a total duration of 34 weeks (Master) and 68 weeks (PhD). It aims to follow research projects initiated, is conducted by both the advisor and postgraduate student, and provides elements for the graduate student to analyse and improve their research project.

Professor: Camila Indiani Oliveira, Marcus Lessa, Maria Lourdes Farré Valve and and Régis Campos

Credits: 2/5

Time: Wednesday 18:00 – 19:00 (1st academic semester), 19:00 - 20:00 (2nd academic semester)

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory



Pagina 9I - Metodologia da Pesquisa
Research Methodology - MEDA93


The discipline of Research Methodology (MEDA93), taught in the first semester of the curriculum of both Master and PhD courses at PPgCS, takes up 102 hours distributed over 16 weeks, and is part of the compulsory minimum curriculum.

Professors: Argemiro D'Oliveira Jr., Manoel Barral-Netto and Ricardo Khouri

Credits: 4

Time: Wednesday, 14:00 – 18:00

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory


Pagina 9J - Pesquisa Bibliográfica
Bibliographical research - MEDA94


Bibliographical research is a fundamental part of the process of scientific research as well as in the preparation of scientific papers, whether articles, monographs, dissertations or theses. There are numerous resources for search of information and the use of the Internet and bibliographic databases are the most comprehensive and important. Managing them, however, requires certain skills to obtain good results, due to the huge and growing amount of scientific publications especially in the area of health. This course covers the main concepts and use of databases and bibliographic research on the Internet, entering into the concepts of indexing and controlled vocabulary, and indicating the steps for setting up strategies and evaluation of results. It also explores the use of management resources and citing references in articles and scientific papers.

Professor: Raymundo Paraná

Credits: 1

Time: 2 weeks of Friday afternoon and Saturday morning

Course: Master

Type: Compulsory



Pagina 9K - Seminários Avançados de Pesquisa em Ciência

Advanced Seminars in Science Research - MEDB61


Science is a dynamic field and in continuous expansion, however during the academic training there is a reduction in the focus of attention with a progressive concentration in themes close to the subject of study. This situation leads to loss of opportunities for understanding and use of knowledge of related areas. Advanced Scientific seminars should allow the presentation and discussion of themes on the periphery of biological sciences or health, or on themes of other scientific areas, which are potentially important to the area of health.

Professor: Claudia Brodskyn

Credits: 3

Time: Negotiable

Course: Both

Type: Optional


Compulsory activities


Pagina 9L - Exame de Qualificação

Qualification exam - MEDB04


The doctoral course student will undertake the Qualifying Examination in the semester when they present and defend their thesis. The Qualifying Exam will take place in a closed hearing based on the memory of the candidate by examiners appointed by the Board, seeking to verify the degree of competence and will examine whether the research project developed by the student and submitted according to the models, is compatible with those used to request funding

Course: Doctorate

Type: Compulsory


Pagina 9M - Metodologia e Produção da Pesquisa Científica

Methodology and Production of Scientific Research - MEDB01


Time: Negotiable

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory


Pagina 9N - Pesquisa Orientada
Guided research- MEDA99


The Guided Research activity should be undertaken every semester, whether completing a Master or a Doctoral course and comprises of carrying out the research related to the project dissertation, in the case of the Master, or, thesis in the case of the Doctoral course. At the end of each semester, the student will deliver a written report, evaluated by their supervisor, detailing the progress of your dissertation or thesis project. This report will be reviewed by a Committee set up by the Board of the course and will approve or reject the progress of the project. During the second academic semester, the guided research activity will also comprise of the student's presentation of their results and progress of the project in the program seminar, when colleagues and teachers present will have an opportunity to debate with the student.

Course: Both

Type: Compulsory




Pagina 9N - Projeto de Dissertação

Dissertation Project - MEDB02


The dissertation project activity will be undertaken when students present their thesis project during the discipline “Applied Scientific Research Methodology,” the Master student will have their dissertation debated by classmates and teachers.

Course: Master

Type: Compulsory


Pagina 9O - Projeto de Tese
Thesis Project - MEDB03


The thesis project activity will be undertaken when students present their thesis project during the discipline “Applied Scientific Research Methodology,” when the doctoral student will have their thesis debated by classmates and teachers.

Course: Doctorate

Type: Compulsory