Defense of Marcella Campello Novaes dissertation, September 05th, 2022 8 a.m

Defense of Marcella Campello Novaes dissertation, entitled “Avaliação de distúrbios olfatórios em pacientes portadores de asma” 

Examination Board:

Prof. Dr. Marcus Miranda Lessa, Doctor in Otorhinolaryngology /USP, UFBA (President);

Profa. Dra. Regina Terse Trindade Ramos, Doctor in Medicine and Human Health /EBMSP, UFBA;

Profa. Dra. Clara Mônica Figueredo de Lima, Doctor in Health Sciences/UFBA, UFSB.

Profa. Dra. Carolina Cincurá Barreto, Doctor in Health Sciences/UFBA, EBSERH - HUPES UFBA (In Reserve). 

Date: September 05th, 2022

Time: 08 a.m

Place: Zoom Platform



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Password: 284572

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