Jamary Oliveira-Filho
Possui graduação em Medicina pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (1994), residência em Neurologia pela Universidade de São Paulo, especialização em doenças cerebrovasculares e neurointensivismo pela Universidade de Harvard (2000) e Doutorado em Neurologia pela Universidade de São Paulo (2001). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal da Bahia. Tem experiência na área de Neurologia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: acidente vascular encefálico, doença de Chagas e doenças cerebrovasculares agudas. Pesquisador 2 do CNPq até fevereiro/2013. Pós-doutorado no MASSACHUSETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL-HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL/ESTADOS UNIDOS, entre junho/2013 e maio/2014 (estágio sênior no exterior com bolsa da CAPES).
- Adriana Marques de Mattos – Mestrado 2018
- Alexandre Drayton Maia Barros – Mestrado 2009
- Alice Silva de Oliveira - MESTRADO 2019
- Ana Carolina Pereira Ornellas – Doutorado 2011
- Arnaldo Alves da Silva – Mestrado 2010
- Bruno Bacellar Pedreira – Doutorado 2019.2
- Camila Marinho Costa – Mestrado 2011
- Carla Jardim Serrano - Doutroado 2024.2
- Carla Jardim Serrano - MESTRADO 2019
- Daniel Dominguez Ferraz - Doutorado 2015.2
- Daniel Lordelo San Martin - Doutorado 2022.1
- Daniela Lino de Macedo Nunes - Mestrado 2023.1
- Daniele França Borges - Mestrado 2022.1
- Débora Naligia Moraes Luna - Mestrado 2024.1
- Elen Beatriz Pinto – Doutorado 2009
- Filipe Nolasco de Souza e Silva - Mestrado 2025.1
- Guilherme Teixeira Valença – Doutorado 2011
- Guilherme Teixeira Valença – Mestrado 2009
- Helen Meira Cavalcanti Póla – Doutorado 2018
- Iara Maso Caria - Mestrado 2016
- Isabella Pereira Rosa de Castro – Mestrado 2018
- Joseane Santos Seixas R.Bouzon - DOUTORADO 2019.1
- Joseane Santos Seixas Rosa - Mestrado 2017
- Karen Valadares Trippo - Doutorado 2015.2
- Kárin Santana de Carvalho Gomes - Doutorado 2021
- Karina de Oliveira Garcia - Doutorado 2016.2
- Laísa dos Santos Mascarenhas - Mestrado 2021
- Lara Vasconcelos Pinto - MESTRADO 2020.1
- Leila Silva Almeida Ismael - MESTRADO 2020.1
- Leonardo Galvão M. Cardoso - MESTRADO 2019
- Leonardo Galvão Machado Cardoso - Doutorado 2024.2
- Lidianne Ramos Neri - Mestrado 2016
- Lorena de Oliveira Vaz - Doutorado 2021
- Lorena de Oliveira Vaz - MESTRADO 2019
- Lorena Rosa Santos Almeida – Doutorado 2013
- Lorena Rosa Santos de Almeida – Mestrado 2012
- Luciana S. Pimentel – Mestrado 2014
- Maiana Dela Cela Monteiro – Mestrado 2012
- Marcel Leal Ribeiro - Mestrado 2023.1
- Mariana Brito Silva - Mestrado 2022.1
- Matheus Mendes Pires – Mestrado 2018
- Mayana da Silva Almeida – Mestrado 2010
- Mayra Castro de Matos Sousa - Mestrado 2014
- Moisés Correia Dantas - MESTRADO 2019
- Murilo Santos de Souza – Mestrado 2010
- Priscila Natasja Silveira de Almeida - Doutorado 2024.1
- Priscila Natasja Silveira de Almeida - Mestrado 2021
- Renan Carvalho Castello Branco – Mestrado 2018
- Renan Carvalho Castello Branco - DOUTORADO 2020.1
- Roberta Borges Gomes Kauark - DOUTORADO 2020.1
- Thiago Gonçalves Fukuda - DOUTORADO 2020.1
- Thiago Santos Nascimento - Mestrado 2022.1
- Investigating predictors of community integration in individuals after stroke in a residential setting: A longitutinal study.
- Predicting hemorrhagic transformation in patients not submitted to reperfusion therapies.
- A MDS-UPDRS Part II (motor experiences of daily living) score to predict recurrent falls in people with Parkinson?s disease.
- A Simple Hospital Mobility Scale for Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients Predicts Long-term Functional Outcome.
- Anticoagulation in patients with cardiac manifestations of Chagas disease and cardioembolic ischemic stroke.
- Artificial Inteligence-Based Decision for the Prediction of Cardioembolism in Patients with Chagas Disease and Ischemic Stroke.
- Association Between Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Stroke Patients.
- Brazilian autoimmune encephalitis network (BrAIN): antibody profile and clinical characteristics from a multicenter study.
- Brazilian guidelines for endovascular treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke.
- Cerebral amyloid angiopathy with and without hemorrhage: Evidence for different disease phenotypes - 2015
- Cerebral Microbleeds and the Effect of Intensive Blood Pressure Reduction on Hematoma Expansion and Functional Outcomes.
- Chagas Cardiomyopathy: An Update of Current Clinical Knowledge and Management: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association.
- Chagas disease is an independent predictor of stroke and death in a cohort of heart failure patients.
- Challenges in Assessing Stroke Incidence in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.
- Clinical and prognostic aspects of patients with the Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder (NMOSD) from a cohort in Northeast Brazil.
- Comparison of Self-report and Performance-Based Balance Measures for Predicting Recurrent Falls in People With Parkinson Disease: Cohort Study - 2016
- COX-2 rs20417 Polymorphism Is Associated with Stroke and White Matter Disease - 2015
- Dabigatran and warfarin in nonvalvular atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter in outpatient clinic practice in Brazil.
- Development of a new non invasive prognostic stroke scale (NIPSS) including triage elements for sleep apnea and peripheral artery disease
- Developmental outcomes in children exposed to Zika virus in utero from a Brazilian urban slum cohort study.
- Diffusion tensor imaging metrics in diagnosis of myelopathy.
- Disability is an Independent Predictor of Falls and Recurrent Falls in People with Parkinson?s Disease Without a History of Falls: A One-Year Prospective Study - 2015
- Effects of inspiratory muscle training on the severity of obstructive sleep apnea in individuals after stroke: a protocol for a randomized controlled trial.
- Effects of inspiratory muscle training on walking capacity of individuals after stroke: A double-blind randomized trial.
- Effects of three physical exercise modalities on respiratory function of older adults with Parkinson's disease: A randomized clinical trial.
- External Validation Of The Recurrent Falls Risk Scale In Community-Dwelling Stroke Individuals.
- Factors associated with abnormal cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in embolic stroke of undetermined source.
- Heterogeneous development of children with Congenital Zika Syndrome-associated microcephaly.
- Incidence and Etiology of Microinfarcts in Patients with Ischemic Stroke.
- Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering and DWI Lesions in Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Exploratory Analysis of the ATACH-2 Randomized Trial.
- Is more evidence needed for thrombectomy in basilar artery occlusion? The BASICS and BEST meta-analytical approaches.
- Latin American Consensus Statement for the Use of Contrast-Enhanced Transcranial Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Test for Detection of Right-to-Left Shunt.
- Low Ankle-Brachial Index is a Simple Physical Exam Sign Predicting Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis in Ischemic Stroke Patients - 2016
- Management of acute ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 infection: Insights from an international panel.
- Management of acute ischemic stroke in patients with COVID-19 infection: Report of an international panel.
- Mucosal leishmaniasis: A Retrospective Study of 327 Cases from an Endemic Area of Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis.
- Multiple paraneoplastic antibodies (anti-SOX1, anti-Hu, and anti-Amphiphysin) detected in a patient with limbic encephalitis and small cell lung cancer.
- Outcomes of recurrent stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation according to presumed etiology
- Postcardiac Arrest Neuroprognostication Practices: A Survey of Brazilian Physicians.
- Predicting falls in people with Parkinson?s disease: impact of methodological approaches on predictors identified.
- Prediction of Early Recurrence After Acute Ischemic Stroke - 2016
- Predictors of Falls with Injuries in People with Parkinson's Disease
- Predictors of functional communication in people with aphasia after stroke.
- Predictors of Neurodevelopment in Microcephaly Associated with Congenital Zika Syndrome: A Prospective Study.
- Predictors of Recurrent Falls in People with Parkinson?s Disease and Proposal for a Predictive Tool.
- Priorities to reduce the burden of stroke in Latin American countries.
- Proposal for a New Predictive Scale for Recurrent Risk of Fall in a Cohort of Community-Dwelling Patients with Stroke - 2016
- Psychometric properties of the Brazilian-Portuguese version of the Falls Behavioral Scale in people with Parkinson's disease.
- Randomization of endovascular treatment with stent-retriever and/or thromboaspiration versus best medical therapy in acute ischemic stroke due to large vessel occlusion trial: Rationale and design.
- Reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke: where are we in 2023?
- Safety and outcomes of simultaneous vasospasm and endovascular aneurysm treatment (SVAT) in subarachnoid hemorrhage - 2016
- Seizures as a Complication of Congenital Zika Syndrome in Early Infancy.
- Silent Cerebral Infarctions with Reduced, Mid-Range and Preserved Ejection Fraction in Patients with Heart Failure.
- Social determinants associated with Zika virus infection in pregnant women.
- The Brazilian Society of Cerebrovascular Diseases - history.
- The effects of functional training, bicycle exercise and exergaming on walking capacity of elderly with Parkinson's disease: a pilot randomized controlled single-blinded trial.
- The Role of MAPT Haplotype H2 and Isoform 1N/4R in Parkinsonism of Older Adults - 2016
- Thrombectomy for Stroke in the Public Health Care System of Brazil.
- Thrombosis of the Vein of Galen: Pitfalls, Metamorphosis, and Paroxysmal Sympathetic Hyperactivity.
- Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 Is Increased in Chagasic Cardiomyopathy.
- Total Magnetic Resonance Imaging Burden of Small Vessel Disease in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy - 2016
- Unequal burden of Zika-associated microcephaly among populations with public and private healthcare in Salvador, Brazil.
- Urological profile of children with microcephaly and congenital zika syndrome.
- Validation of the Frenchay activity index on stroke victims
- Validation of the Frenchay activity index on stroke victims.
- White Matter Hyperintensities and Blood Pressure Lowering in Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Secondary Analysis of the ATACH-2 Trial