The PPgCS student’s thesis Augusto Marcelino Pedreira de Carvalho was the winner of the CAPES Thesis 2018 Award in Medicine 1 in Brazil

We report that the thesis "PAPEL DA SALIVA DO LUTZOMYIA INTERMEDIA NO DESENVOLVIMENTO DA LEISHMANIOSE CUTÂNEA CAUSADA PELA INFECÇÃO POR LEISHMANIA BRAZILIENSIS" authored by Augusto Marcelino Pedreira de Carvalho was the winner of the CAPES Thesis 2018 in Medicine I. The award constitutes certificate, medal and postdoctoral fellowship, as specified in Notice 16/2018, published in DOU dated 05/14/2018. The PPgCS congratulates Augusto and his adviser, Professor Camila Indiani, for this honorable award.

